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"Blossom? Blossom!" Brick cried as he shook her limp body in his arms.

"I'm sorry...Brick," She coughed out.

When the gun was slapped out of Brick's hand, it's aim was change to Blossom's torso. The bullet was still lodged in her body as she coughed out blood, her breath getting weaker.

"No, it's okay, baby. It's not your fault," Brick assured her, tears in his eyes.

"I...love you. I'm sorry....I couldn't say it...earlier," She wheezed.

She rested her head against Brick's arm, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I'm sorry," He said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"Brick, I...I don't want to die."

Brick looked down at her with a determined look.

"No, I'm not letting you leave my life again."

He quickly flew off, as fast as he could to the nearest hospital. He looked down at the love of his life. Her breaths were short and small. He rushed even faster, more than he thought he could.

He bust through the doors of the hospital.

"Somebody help me! I need help!" He cried.


He stayed by her bedside all the time, not daring to take his eyes off her.

The doctors say the surgery went well, but she had fallen into a coma. Normally, superhumans wouldn't die from a normal bullet. But because Brick really wanted to die, he switched out the normal bullets for one of the superhuman bullets. They were extremely rare and weren't allowed for use unless special purposes.

Her family had come along with his 2 brothers.

"What the f*ck happened, Brick?" Buttercup had shouted at him when they first entered.

"Yeah man, how the hell did she get shot?" Butch asked.

"It's because of me, okay?" Brick sighed.

"Did you- did you shoot her?" Bubbles gasped, eyes wide.

"No, well not exactly."

He told them the entire story, starting from the after school conversation all the way to the flight to the hospital.

"She...she stopped me from killing myself," He said in a voice barely above a whisper. He glanced over at her sleeping state.

"And in the process, she almost got killed herself."

The group stayed a bit, the girls were "talking" to Blossom while the guys managed to get Brick out of the room go eat something.

"Blossom? I'm not sure if you can hear me, but it's Bubbles, your baby sister, well not so baby anymore. But if you can hear me, please wake up soon. BC and I are seriously worried about you and you know Brick is too. He really wanted to apologize for his mess. I think he's really sincere and he loves you. We do too, so please wake up soon."

"Hey, Blossy. It's BC. First of all, thanks for being the big sister than you are and worrying about me all the time. I just thought you were a worry wart, but then this happened and I realized that this must be what you worry about so much. Wondering if I got into an accident must make you worry alot. I know right now, I'm Hella worrying about you. Please wake up Blossom. I need that big sister. I love you."

Soon the couples left and Brick was left by himself. It was determined by the sisters since there was only 1 person allowed in the room when it wasn't visiting hours, they let Brick take the position instead of fighting over themselves.

Brick rested his chin in his hand as he gazed at her.

Her eyes were fluttered shut, her lips still full and so kissable.

He yearned for her bright pink eyes to open once again so he could stare at them mischievously with his blood red eyes.

He moved his chin out of his hand and took her hand in his. He held it up to his face, pressing his lips against.

"Wake up for me soon, Pinky."

Blossom's POV

I woke up, feeling a slight pain in my stomach. Why was I in a hospital? I glance down to see a red haired boy sleeping. with my hand in his possession.

He looked familiar but I couldn't quite remember. Ah! He looks like an older version of Brick. Huh, Brick. He disappeared on me a couple of weeks ago. But who is this man?

As if feeling my stare, he slowly rose his head and looked up! He jumped when he saw me.

"Blossom! You're awake," He gasped. I nod.

"And who are you? Are you Brick's older brother? Does Brick even have an older brother?" I mumbled the last part to myself. I'm sure he would've told me if he did. He looked at me all confused.

"Blossom, I am Brick."

I furrow my eyebrows, shaking my head.

"No, my Brick is 13. You look a 17, 18."

He slowly backs away. "Uhm, excuse me for a moment." I nod.

Oh yeah, why was I in the hospital anyways? I should be out there, fighting crime. What was I doing here? And where are my sisters?

"Brick" came back with a doctor and the doctor said they had to run some tests on me. I nodded.


"She has amnesia."

"Amnesia?! How? She got a bullet, not a concussion!" BC exclaimed. Her and Bubbles came after a little while.

"I believe when she got shot, when she collapsed, she hit her head on the concrete roof, hard. She seems to believe that she is still 13."

I was so confused. Apparently I was actually 17, going on 18. How could I be so old? I'm about to go to college!

"Will her memory ever come back?" Bubbles asks.

"We'll have to see. I can't tell for sure whether her memory will come back or she'll forget everything within that 5 year time span."

"What will we do if she can't remember?"

"Learn to cope. For now, try to help her remember some memories that she's lost. It may help her."

"Will she have to stay here in the hospital?"

The doctor nods. "It's best we keep an eye on her and she if she gets better. Maybe we'll prescribe her so medicine if she needs it."

"Thank you doctor," BC sighs. The doctor nods and exits the room.

"We're trusting you, Brick. Help her remember," Bubbles says.

"We'll come around tomorrow. Love you, Bloss," BC calls as she exits the room with Bubbles.

Brick settles down beside me.

"So, you actually are Brick, my boyfriend?"


OMG I DIDN'T NOT UPDATE FOR MONTH OMG OMG. yeah so blossom has amnesia. 👍 thanks for reading. I'm thinking that next chapter will be the last one, maybe I'll have another one idk.


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