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Blossom's POV

I had finally been released out of the hospital after a couple of weeks. They decided that my amnesia was mostly permanent. I was still confused. I couldn't believe that I was 17.

I was going back to school today and I was currently in my closet, trying to figure out what to wear.

After a few minutes of complatating, I finally I choose my outfit. I take out a white sleeveless t-shirt with the superman symbol on it and a pair of lightly tinted pink skinny jeans. I also take out a pair of white high top Chuck Taylor's. <--hint cough cough

I then proceeded downstairs and ate breakfast with my sisters. We soon left the house and my sisters brought me to school. Bubbles helped me with my locker and things since Buttercup had to leave for soccer.

She walked me to my classroom, explaining things to my teacher. The teacher told me where my seat was and soon Bubbles left.

I was pretty early to class, so I didn't really have much to do. I drummed my fingers on the desk, glancing at the clock.

"Blossom!" A familiar voice called.

I looked up to see the familiar face.

His hair was all messed up, creating a bed-head look. He wore a lose-fitting maroon red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that fitted him nicely. He wore a pair of Jordans' also. His red snapback hung on the side on the pants, hooked onto one of the belt loops.

Suddenly it felt like I was sucked back into time.

5 years.

"Will you ever leave me, Brick?"

"Of course not, Blossom."



"What do you mean they ran away?!"

4 years.

"It's been a year since you left, Brick. I miss you."

3 years.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave!"

2 years.

"Please come back, Brick. This is torture without you."

1 year.

"Was it all a lie?! How could you leave? Just like that?! You're a liar, Brick Jojo."

2 weeks.

"They call me Brick. Brick Jojo."

I slowly lift my eyes and look at red-headed boy.

His hair was all messed up, creating a bed-head look. He wore a lose-fitting maroon red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that fitted him nicely. He wore a pair of Jordans' also. His red snapback hung on the side on the pants, hooked onto one of the belt loops.

I watch as he nods and makes his way to the back of the room. He didn't look at me once. I felt my heart feel heavy with hurt. He's finally back and he ignores me?

I feel hot tears prickling at the edges of my eyes as I watch Brick walk to an empty table, a victorious smirk laced on his face, his left arm wrapped around some blonde's hip. His brothers follow his actions and soon, they're sitting in the center of the cafeteria.

"I-I feel sick."

"Watch where you're going."

He moves past me, as if I was just a fly in his way.

I was allowed to go home early, finally away from him, the one who built me up only to break me down.

1 week.

"I'm dating Boomer!"

"Butch and I are together now."

I went to my locker, twisting the lock thing until it opened. When it did, something pink fell out of my locker. I shoved my things in first before picking the note up. It smelled like cherries.

Stop! My mind tried to tell me, but my body kept moving forward. I was getting closer and closer to the back door and soon, I pushed them open and saw a boy with a red cap standing under the closest cherry blossom tree.

"You actually came."

"What do you want?"

"Woah, woah, Pinky. No need to be so harsh."

"Just answer the damn question, Brick," I glare, rolling my eyes at his nickname.


I keep a blank face on, trying not create any emotion at all. I watch his blood red eyes, searching my face, looking for anything emotion.


"I'm sorry for leaving out of the blue. For pretending I didn't know you when I came back. For...playing with other girls."

He looks back up.

"I don't care."

"You-you don't?"

"I was done with you from the day you walked out of my life."

"Yeah, right, Blossom. I know you."

"Not anymore, you don't. Not sure if you noticed, Brick, but I've been living 5 years without you. I can live even longer."

"So what, you're just going to throw away everything we had?"

"I believe that's what you did 5 years ago."

"I'm trying to apologize for that, Blossom, can't you see?!"

"Just don't talk to me anymore. And act like you don't know me, alright?"

I turn my heel and start to walk away. But of course, being the stubborn person that he is, he grabs on to my wrist and pulls me back.

"This conversation is over, Brick."

"No, it's not, Bloss."

"I said, I was done with you from the moment YOU walked out. This, is all your fault. Don't come crawling back to me."

"Why won't you just listen to what I'm saying?!"

"Go back to your hoes, Brick. I'm sure they'd be much more fun than me."

"It's okay, Blossom. You did the right thing."


I looked up and stared at the redheaded boy. He-he did this. He was the cause of my pain. He hurt me.

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