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Bubbles' POV

I woke up in a dark room. I had a pounding headache. I sat up in the bed I was currently in, but it was definitely not my bed. Or room.

Last thing I remember was meeting that cute brunette, how did I end up here?

I heard a door open and I instantly panicked. Oh my, sweet potatoes, please don't tell me that this what I think it is. I check under the blanket and sigh in relief. At least my pants are still on. I feel a weight on the edge of the right side of the bed and my heart speeds up.

"You're awake?"

No, it can't be. It can't possibly be. No no no no no-

"Bubbles? Are you okay?" His soft, smooth voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Wha-what are yo-you do-doing here?" I stutter, feeling myself shaking.

The weight of the bed is lifted and I still continue to shake.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" He asks.

"An-answer m-my que-question f-first," I demand, not very confidently.

"I believe I asked questions first," He chuckles.

Suddenly, a light blinds me and the room fills with light. I look over at the blonde boy walking over to me. I'm still shaking.

"Hey, Bubbles, it's okay, it's just me," He says, holding up his hands. I divert my eyes from his and look away.

"Bubbles, are you feeling okay?" I feel weight on the edge of the bed again.

"G-get away fr-from me," I shake, feeling tears swell up in my eyes.

Don't let him get under you skin again, Bubbles. Stay strong, don't let him make you cry.

"Bubbles, I saved you."

"Wha-what?" I ask, in disbelief.

"I saved you from getting raped," He repeats.

"Wh-why?" I slowly look up at him, his dark ocean eyes suddenly gazing deeply into my baby blue ones.

"What do you mean?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Why did you save me? I thought you didn't care about me anymore," I reply, finally managing not to stutter.

Before I know it, his lips attack my lips.

I finally give up. I give up trying to stay strong. I give up trying to get over him. I give up trying to push him away. I know it's impossible to ever get over Boomer. I know I still have been in love with him. I've missed his kisses so much. His scent, his eyes, his laugh, his smile, I love it all. I love him. I've missed him.

My hands move on their own as they trail up up around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair, trying to pull him even closer. We pull apart after a few short minutes, breathless. He rests his forehead on mine and stares into my eyes.

"Bubbles, I've always cared for you. From the minute I saw you, till now, and forever on," He says, his minty breath fanning over my face.

"Then why did you leave?" I blurt out, feeling the tears swell up in my eyes again.

"Don't cry, baby," He says, bring a hand to wipe the tear that has fallen.

"Why did you go?" I whisper.

"I had to," He whispers back.

"Couldn't you at least have warned me?" I whine.

"Mojo's orders," He shakes his head.

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