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Blossom's POV (Day Of Party)

I watched my sisters walk off, waving goodbye to me as I wave back, sighing. Never have I ever gotten detention in my life. I guess the Ruffs' appearance really messed me up.

I waited until my sisters were out of view before walking back into the dreaded building. I look at the pink detention slip given to me by the teacher and look at the room I must attend. I quickly find the room and sigh as I turn the knob on the door.

I enter the room and my eyes examine the room, stopping on someone in the back for a short second. I quickly diverted my eyes from him and slowly walk over to the teacher's desk and hand him the pink slip.

"Sign your name on this sheet," He hands me a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it.

I observed the sheet to find the it covered with messy handwriting of peoples' names. I stopped at the last name written on the sheet. Brick. I took the black pen and quickly wrote down my name, trying to fit in with the messy theme, though it still turned out neat.

I then turned my heel and took a seat up front. I dropped my bag to the ground beside me, pulling out my math homework. I let my hand do it work, creating numbers and letters across the page. Before I knew it, I was done.

As I was putting away my math homework, taking out my english homework, I felt this creepy-crawly feeling on my back. I laid the science homework on my desk before turning around to see where this feeling was coming from. I froze as I saw who was staring. He quickly turned his head away once he saw me.

He couldn't possibly be staring at me though, right? I mean, why would he? He pretty much made it clear he wants nothing to do with me, so why was he staring?

It's probably nothing, right?


Buttercup's POV (Present Day)

Ugh, that pill is starting to wear off. Man, I feel terrible. Well, I still gotta go to practice. I'm sure it'll wear off. I can't skip practice, not ever since I got on coach's bad side, though I am his star player.

I bid my goodbyes to Blossom and Bubbles before walking back to the field. I dropped my backpack on the benches and grabbed my soccer uniform and walked to the girls' locker room. I entered the room, being greeted by a bunch of stuck-up cheerleaders. I almost forgot, their practice is after school too. I walked into one of the stalls and began to change.

"Oh my, gawd! Do you see him?" One of the cheerleaders shriek.

"He's soo hot," Another says.

"He's way hotter than both of his brothers," Another one agrees.

I can tell who their talking about. They never talked like this before they came here. It was getting old, honestly. I mean, I was trying to push him out of my mind all the time, but it's hard when every girl talks about them every single second. I finished changing and grabbed my regular school clothes and walked out of the stall.

"You're soo lucky to be practicing to be practicing with Butch, Buttercup," Princess says once she sees me.

"F*ck off, Princess," I grumble.

She gives a shocked expression, but I know she's faking it.

"Gawd, can you just take a compliment?" She glares, raising her voice, causing the others girls to look.

"I'm not in the mood today, Princess," I roll my eyes, feeling my headache increase.

"Looks like ButterBitch is back today," She giggles with her friends.

I roll my eyes once more before leaving the locker room. Ugh, I hate cheerleaders. I mean, not all cheerleaders are bad, just cheerleaders like Princess and her cronies get on my nerves. I jog back over to the soccer field and placing my regular clothes back into bag. I walk over to the crowd forming around coach.

"Nice to see you show up, BC," Coach acknowledges my presence. I grunt in reply, shifting my weight to one foot.

"We're gonna start with 7 laps today, go!"

Feeling sluggish, I lift my feet off the ground and begin running. Ugh, maybe after I finish these laps I can ask coach if I can get an aspirin from the nurse if she has any. Though, he probably doesn't trust me. I can feel myself getting slower, I feeling I hate. I try to move my legs quicker and faster, but instead I fall over and lay on the ground. The hot sun burns into my eyes and I close them, entering the black darkness.


Butch's POV

I watched in panic as I saw her go down. I looked over at coach at see him paying attention to something else. I glance at the rest of the team and realize they aren't gonna help her either. I couldn't break Mojo's orders like Boomer. I sighed at kept jogging. Using my super speed, I finished my 7 laps without breaking a sweat. I jogged over to coach and he smiled as he saw me.

"Done already, Butch?" He asks. I nod.

"Uhm Coach, Buttercup fainted," I say, pointing towards her.

His eyes widen once he sees her. "Jojo! Go bring her to the nurse!" He orders.

"Yes, Coach!" I reply, running back to where Buttercup lay.

I squatted down and observed her features. Damn, she sure got prettier over 5 years. I slowly picked her up, bridal style, ignoring the glances I was getting from the rest of the team. I didn't want to run, since it would be a bumpy ride for her.

I quickly walked to the nurse's office, holding her tightly in my arms.

"You're going to be okay," I whisper, moving a stray strand of hair away from her face.

I finally reach the nurse's office and lay her on the bed. I explain to the nurse what happen and she examines Buttercup.

"Hm, it seems to be from dehydration," The nurse explains. I nod.

The nurse leaves after giving some medication to Buttercup. I sit on a chair that's next to the bed Buttercup lays.

I take in her features. Her tan, flawless skin, her high cheekbones, her full pale pink lips. I've missed her so much.

She begins to stir and back up. She flutters her eyes open and glances around. She hasn't seen me yet.

"Ugh, where am I?" She groans.

"The nurse."

She jumps at my voice and looks over at me. "What f*ck are you doing here?" She snaps.

I hold my hands up, "I brought you here."

"Get the f*ck out." She snarls.

"Listen Butterc-"

"I said get out!" She orders.

"Please listen, I-"

"GET THE F*CK OUT BEFORE I PUMMEL YOUR ASS!" She shrieks. I can see tears forming in her eyes.

I finally leave her and walk out of the room. Buttercup crying? That's a first. I was about to leave when I heard her cries.

"Why do you have to this? I'm trying to push you out of my life, but you keep popping up everywhere. I want to forget you, I want to forget all the pain. I thought you didn't care about me, so why do you keep coming into my life?"


Sorry for the late update! My mom took my computer away. Please vote if you liked the chapter and comment if you want. Bye!


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