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Blossom's POV

I ended up staying home for the rest of the week. The moment I saw him, I just broke. And what made it worse was that I continued to go on when I was broken.

You know how like you can twist your ankle like during a sport, but yet you continue to play the game? That's how I felt.

My sisters got me kept up with my schoolwork, and my backpack was dragging me down with all the weight of the papers.

I walked up the steps to the school, along with my sisters, preparing myself to see the heartbreaker I once loved.

Buttercup told me about what happened after I left for the nurse. I believe he deserved it, yet at the same time I believe he didn't.

I know the thing keeping me back from moving on is the fact that maybe he'll wake up one day and think, "I really miss that redhead that I loved once so much," the way I wake up everyday.

"Are you okay, Blossom?" Bubbles voice enters my mind.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," I reply, shaking my head.

"You know we're always here for you, right?" Bubbles asks, creases forming on her forehead.

"Yeah, don't worry, Bubbles. I'll be fine," I assure her.

"Just making sure," Bubbles gives me a tight smile. I smile back.

"Hurry up, slowpokes," Buttercup says before walking into the school.

We soon follow her into the school and I keep my head down as we walk through the halls.

I make it to the lockers without seeing them and unpack my backpack. I take a stack of papers that are for my makeup math work.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Bubbles asks one more time.

I nod in reply before walking off to my first class. I get there early, as usual. I sit down in my seat at the front of the class and begin to doodle once again on my notebook, feeling a sense of deja vu.

But this time, I promised myself to stay strong. If my sisters didn't need to take a week off of school, then why should I?

Unknowingly, I draw a hat. When I finish, I realize the hat looks familiar before it hits me. It's his hat. His signature red hat. I scribble out my drawing as I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"Don't cry over him anymore," I mumble to myself, discreetly wiping my eyes.

"If I can have your attention, please, let's begin class," Mr. Slavic announces.

I look up, pushing my notebook aside, making it fall off the desk. I curse to myself as I lean over and pick it up.

"Ah, Blossom, I see that you're back. Feeling better?" He asks.

I nod and I grab the makeup papers.

"Here are my makeup work papers," I say as I hand him the stack of papers.

"Glad to know someone cares about their grades," He smiles, looking at the rest of the class.

"Teacher's pet," Someone coughs. I almost roll my eyes at the statement.

It's not like I've been called a teacher's pet my whole entire life. (Sarcasm intended).

"Let's carry on with lesson," Mr. Slavic turns back to the board, placing my stack of papers on his desk.


"Au revoir, la classe," My french teacher dismisses as the bell rings.

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