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I saw him. He was in the living room, letting some girl with ginger hair grind on him. She was quite pretty actually. I could see why he might like her.

My heart heavy with hurt, I trudge into a different room to stop the pain my eyes are witnessing. I notice a beer of can on the counter.

"One drink wouldn't hurt," I shrug, grabbing the beer can.

I pop it open and begin to chug it down. I drank the whole entire can and thirsted for more. I grabbed another can from the cooler and began to chug that down.

I was on my 4th can when Bubbles came.

"Buttercup!" She screamed.

"Bubbles! What are you doing here?" I ask, a little unsteady.

"The Rowdies are here," She says softly, looking around in fear.

I nod. "I know, I saw him, I saw Butch. He was grinding against some ginger."


"Yeah, then I walked into the kitchen and I saw a can of beer and I thought, 'Why the hell not?' and I opened it and started chugging it down," I shrug.

"Buttercup, you're drunk," She frowns at my statement.

"Psh, no I'm not," I laugh. I just had a couple of drinks.

"Yes, you are," She says in a strict tone.

"I just wanted to forget the pain Butch caused for a little bit with some beer, is that too much to ask?" She glares.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "You know what, Buttercup? Screw it, do what you want, I don't care anymore."Well, who twisted her panties?

She pushes past me and into the living room. She needs to stop stressing, honestly. We came here to have fun.

I finish drinking my 4th can and grab another and stumble outside. I sit on the steps of patio and pop the can open.

"Why is such a pretty girl looking so sad?" A voice causes me to slip out of my thoughts.

I look up to see someone I couldn't make the face out, I must've been too drunk to see. All I could really see of his features was his forest green eyes that seemed to glow.

"I saw my ex dancing with some girl and I pissed my sister off," I sigh, looking back at the ground.

The stranger sits down next to me on the steps.

"You seem drunk," He says, examining me.

"Who knows, I probably am," I laugh bitterly.


"Well, I drank so many beers that I don't even remember how many I drank," I sigh.

"I mean, why did you drink?" He asks.

"Like I said, I saw my ex, right?" I look over him. I see vague movements of a nod.

"Well, when I saw that, my heart just kinda broke again. I hadn't seen him in years and then suddenly he showed up at school last week. All of sudden, it felt hard to breathe. When I saw him with other girls, it felt like the air had been knocked out of me. It hurt more than any sports injury I had ever gotten," I begin to explain.

"I really loved him, though we only dated for 6 months, I had known him prior to that. And little did I know, under all the denial, I truly loved him," I sigh as I let a tear slip.

"That guy must be a real jerk," The guys says after a while.

"He might be, but I still love him. And I think that's what hurts me the most," I reply, giving a sad smile.

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