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Buttercup's POV

I paced back and forth between the windows, awaiting for Butch's arrival. I was wearing some pajama shorts with a ratty old t-shirt.

"I wonder if something happened to him," I mumble. Look at me, being the paranoid girlfriend that I am.

I remember earlier that day after I had walked home, I told Blossom and Bubbles what had happened.

"BC, I heard you passed out again!" Blossom exclaims as I entered the house.

"Oh, yeah, I did," I nod.

"I thought you said you were feeling fine to play!" She pouts.

"I was, but I don't know what happened," I shrug.

"Well, are you feeling fine now?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm feeling great," I nod.

"Well, dinner's going to be done soon, so why don't you wash-"

"I'm dating Butch."

Multiple gasps are heard and I turn around and she Bubbles at the entrance of the doorway, beaming like a 5 year old who got the toy she wanted. On the other hand, Blossom's eyebrows were furrowed and she had a confused expression on her face and some mixture of...pain?

"OMG!" Bubbles squealed. She ran to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you, BC."

I hug her back and laugh,"thanks, Bubs." We broke up the embrace and I turned to Blossom.

"So, Butch caved in, too, huh?" Blossom laughs humorlessly.

"I guess you could say it like that," I shrugged.

"Well, I guess we all know who is gonna be next," Bubbles glances at Blossom, but Blossom had a blank look on her face.

"What's wrong, Bloss?" I asked. She broke out of her stare and shaked her head.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

She's been weird ever since. She was silent during dinner. She barely ate any of her food. Or dessert. And we all know that Blossom has the biggest sweet tooth in the world.

A knock on my window snaps me out of my thoughts. I practically fly to the window and open it up.

"Hey Beautiful."


Blossom's POV

No, Bloss. You can't take him back. Not after all that he's done to you. You can't be like your sisters. Even when they fall, you must stand strong.

Who knows when they could dissappear out of the blue like that again? You need to save yourself from getting heartbroken again. You were a mess last time.

I sighed, shaking my head out of my thoughts. I never thought Buttercup would give in to Butch. She was so dead set on hating him... I wonder what happened.

It was currently the next morning after BC had told us her news. I was downstairs, fixing myself some orange juice. I had woken up Bubbles. When I went to wake up BC, I was greeted with the sight of Buttercup curled into Butch's chest. His arms were around her protectively.

I swallowed down the last of my orange juice before trudging up the stairs to get ready for school.

I stalked over to my closet, picking out a light pink sweater with a white collared shirt underneath. I put on a white pair of shorts and wore high knee black socks before stuffing my feet into some black ankle boots.

I went over to my vanity and did my usual "natural" look. Basically just very light on makeup. I put on my "very berry" strawberry lip gloss. My hair was naturally in curly waves, so I didn't bother doing much with it.

I grabbed my school bag and my phone and headed downstairs.

Bubbles was downstairs, munching on some toast she had made. She was on her phone, probably texting Boomer. She looked up once she heard me.

"Hey, Bloss!" She greets, giving me her bright smile.

"Hey, Bubz," I give her a small smile back.

She was wearing a baby blue button up with some white shorts. She wore just a pair of sandals and had her hair up in a pony tail, her fringe falling out. She looked pretty as she always did. Her makeup was always perfect; it accented her features and covered up her flaws, not that she had much.

I waited for Buttercup to come down, and she did, she was practically floating down.

She had her hair down (for the first time in forever). She had on a forest green sweatshirt that seemed a big on her, some capri blacking leggings and her black and white adidas superstars.

"Hey, Blossom," She smiles. She smiled. Buttercup smiled. In the morning. On our way to school.

"Hey, BC. Shall we get going?" I ask.

"You go ahead, Butch said he'll pick me up," She shakes her head. She was lying to me about Butch being here, which is understandable.

I nod, grabbing the keys off the hook by the door and unlocking the car. I put the key in ignition and drove away after putting on some music.

"Hollywood Top 100! 95.1 Shine FM~

I used be so happy but without you here I feel so low~

I watched as you as you left but I can never seem to let you go~

Cause once upon a time you were my everything

It's clear to see that time hasn't change a thing

It's buried deep inside me but there's something you should know~"

Since I was me in the car, it was a pretty silent ride to school. Well, except for the blasting radio.

I quickly got out of the car, grabbing all my things before heading into the school. I went to my locker, twisting the lock thing until it opened. When it did, something pink fell out of my locker. I shoved my things in first before picking the note up. It smelled like cherries.

hey pinky,

meet me behind the school at the cherry blossom trees after school please? it's really important. I won't waist your time, promise.

~ red

No, Blossom. You can't give in. You can't.


so this was like a filler basically. I get to carried away with making details and writing and ish and rhen there leaves no room for the actual plot. Oh well. Love you all💞 I'll update soon hopefully

R.I.P. Christina Grimmie😭😭


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