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"Don't-don't touch me."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shrieked, throwing his hand off my shoulder.

"Blossom, I-"

"You lied to me! I believed you were my boyfriend! But you're not! I remember everything!"

He's left speechless as he stares at me with eyes wide and mouth open.

"Miss Utonium!" My teacher yelled. I can't believe this. I can't deal with this.

Ignoring his scoldings, I ran out of the room. I just ran and ran and ran. I didn't stop, no, I couldn't. I thought I could trust him, I thought he wouldn't hurt me.

First he had the audacity to come back after he left me for 5 years and pretend like he didn't know who I was? Then he starts toying with all the hoes in our school, pretending like I didn't exist. Then he wants to apologize and try to START OVER? If he knew the hell that I went through, then he should know it's not that easy to just forget like all the pain never happened and become a happy couple again.

When I couldn't run anymore, I stopped and realized I was in the bad part of town. Ugh, whatever. I had basically grown up here fighting villains, I could find my way back. I turned and started walking into the direction I thought my house was in. I took lefts and rights, but somehow I ended up walking in a circle.

"It's okay, Blossom, you'll find your way, you're just a little bit upset right now."

"Hey, what's a little lady like you doing here?" A voice called from behind. She turned around.

"Oh, I was just leaving," I said, nervously.


I nodded and turned, starting to walk again.

"Hey there, I wasn't done talking with you," He frowned. "Boys."

I jumped as hands grabbed both my arms.

"What are you doing?" I shrieked.

"You shouldn't leave so soon. Its not safe for pretty girls like you," He smirked, coming closer to me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed.

"Now, now, is that a way to talk to someone?" He asked, grabbing my chin in this his fingers, bringing his head closer to mine. I cringe and tried to turn my head, but his fingers gripped tightly on my chin.


He paused, letting go of my chin and turning to the source of the voice.

"Bricky Boy! It's been a while," He grins.

"Let her go, Mystic."

"Who, this redhead? Sorry Brick, but you're going to have to find your own."

"I'm serious, Mystic. Let her go."

"If you're serious about her, then," He said with an evil glint in his eye, "fight me."

Brick lunged at him, firing his Lazer eyes.

"You're going to have to more than that," Mystic chuckled. Brick growled, throwing himself at Mystic, throwing punches at him.

Suddenly, Brick was being lifted off Mystic, and it wasn't Brick controlling it.

"You know, both you and your girlfriend are quite rude," He says, getting up from the ground.

"Put me down!" Brick growled.

"As you wish," Mystic shrugged, and Brick fell from the sky.

"Brick!" I cried.

With just the move of his hand, he pushed Brick around like a doll. It was like Darth Vader. He held put his arm and started choking him.

"Stop it!" I shrieked, tears spilling from out of my eyes.

"Silence, girl," He said, tightening his grip. I had to do something. Remembering I had powers, because I'm an idiot, I shoot lazers at the hands holding me. My captors screamed in pain, but I was focused on running.

"Stop it!" I cried, pushing Mystic over. Brick fell to the ground, coughing.

"Would you like to die today too?" He glared, preparing a fireball in his hand. I narrowed my eyes, preparing an ice crystal secretly.

He shot the ball at me, but my ice crystal deflected it.

"You're not the only one with powers, buddy."

He rolled his eyes. "Children are so annoying."

He began make something that was in the shape of a sphere, it was blackish, dark purplish.

"Blossom, look out!"

But I knew what I was dealing with, I started forming a protective sphere around myself, reflecting the dark magic off of it.

"You must be a Powerpuff, huh? I've heard of you. I guess today, I have the honor of killing one today."

"I won't let you."

We both turn to Brick, who is struggling to stand up.

His legs were dangling off the roof as he sat on the edge of the roof. He had something in his hands. It was dark, shiny, metallic looking. He raised the object and I was able to identify the object. My eyes widened once I did.

A gun.

He was trying to kill himself. I instantly shot up, flying as fast as I could to reach him. As I was getting closer to him, I could see his finger resting against the trigger, ready to push it.

"Brick, NO!" I shrieked, slapping it out of his hand.


Mystic laughed. "Yeah, because that's believable."

"Don't hurt him, just fight me," I said, turning back to him.

"My pleasure, Pinky."

I growl, "You have no right to call me that."

"Yeah, only I do." I turn to Brick again as he walks over to me.

"Brick, you're going to get hurt!" I shriek.

"If that's how I can show my love, then so be it," He grunted.

"Are you little lovebirds done?"

We both turn to him. I grab Brick's hand, ignoring his questioning stare. I take a deep breath. I look him in the eye and he seems to get what I want to do.

Together, we begin forming a huge powerball.

Mystic laughs at us. "Do you really think that is going to work? Silly children," He shakes his head.

He holds his hands up, trying to control us. He frowns.

"What's happening? My powers aren't working."

He tries once more and yet again fails.

"I don't understand what's happening. What is this trickery?"

We release the powerball.

"It's called the power of love."

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