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Buttercup's POV

My sisters came to get me soon after my incident. Bubbles and Blossom rushed into the nurse's office.

"BC! Are you okay?" Blossom asks. I nod, sitting up.

"She fainted due to dehydration," The nurse explains. Bubbles nods, thanking the nurse.

"We should probably get you home," Blossom says, helping me up. She thanks the nurse and we walk out of the nurse's office.

It was a silent walk home. My sisters didn't question anything that really happened, thankfully. I wasn't up for telling them about my little 'scene' with Butch. I went up into my room, dropping my backpack on the floor. I went to my bed and pulled the covers over my body and snuggled into my blanket. I closed my eyes and sighed, breathing in my covers. I wasn't tired, I just wanted to rest and think.

He can't just do that. Come back into my life and pretend like he cares? I won't allow it, I can't. After all that he put me through, what would it mean if I allow him to come back into my life? It can't happen.

"Hey Buttercup?" A voice, along with a knock at my door, says.

"Yeah?" I call out, turning my body to the door. It slowly opens and reveals my blonde-haired sister. She walks over to my bed and sits at the foot of the bed.

"You feeling alright?" She asks. 

I nod, "Just a bit tired."

"Hey BC?"

I sighed. "Yes?"

"How would you react if I got back together with Boomer?"

I froze. I stared at her face, trying to see if she was joking. She could not be serious. She got back with HIM? I saw how heartbroken she had gotten, yet she still got back with him?

"You're not serious."

I watch as she visibly gulped. No way. No f*cking way. I won't believe it. No. I sit up, causing Bubbles to jump in surprise.

"Bubbles, you can't be serious."

"I-I am."

"He broke your f*cking heart!" I snap, causing her to jump once more.

"Buttercup listen-"

"No, you listen! Bubbles, I know you're kindhearted and everything, but can't seriously be telling me that your taking back the jerk who took your heart, threw it on the group, and stomped all over it. You suffered for 5 years because of him. They've barely have been back a week and you took him back already?" I rant out, interrupting her.

I see the tears form in her eyes as she takes my words in.

"Okay Buttercup, I understand you are angry with me, but what you don't understand is the feelings that I felt for Boomer those 5 years ago. You don't know how the feelings are still in my heart. I don't know about you, Buttercup, but for me, I know I can never let him go. I don't understand why you can't just be a little supportive of my decision. It may seem like I'm 'weak' by taking him back, but I love him. I love him so much. And nothing can change that. Not even you."

She stands up, wiping the tears from her eyes before exiting my room. I sigh, laying back down on my bed, bring my hands to cover my face. Great, now Bubbles was mad at me. Granted, it was more my fault, but I still can't accept the fact that she took back her heartbreaker. I really question my sister's actions.


"I have a game today, so don't wait up," I tell my sisters. Bubbles was giving me the silent treatment.

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