Unedited - Delete?

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^^ blessin' your day with the divergent booooys.

Well, hello there! Long time, no see huh?

I'm not sure why I'm still doing this. Trying to edit these miserable chapters is impossible right now, honestly. There is sooooo much I want to change, like the fact that Justin is still 19 and goes to high school? Like, wth was I even thinking about?

So, I don't really know what to do. I've been considering deleting this story. I wrote it when I was like 12/13 yeas old, and it sucks and has way too much drama in it for its own good.

But, on the other hand, people keep adding it and commenting and voting and following and argh I just really don't know guys. Please help me edit? Like, leave a comment where there's something I should change either in actions, attitude, words, personality, anything really. I'm just really busy these days and I'm trying to make time! You really have no idea, but there's too much going on and I need a break sometimes. It doesn't matter if it's short or long. I just needed a break from everything, and sure it helped a little, but it doesn't take away the thousand things I need to do a day.

So pleeease be tolerant with me? I love you and I don't want to leave wattpad with an unedited book behind me. So help me? Please?

Update: I've started writing another book, but unfortunately it's not a fan fiction. It's teen-fiction, and takes up issues about body-image, self-love and peer pressure and stuff. Please take a look? "Sugarcoats".

I love you
Comment below on what I should do.
Thank you.

well, as you probably know by know, I haven't even started editing past chapter two. And honestly, I have no excuse. I just have little to no motivation at all to actually edit.

So, what I will do is - I'll leave this fanfic up, but there will be no editing, and it will most probably be a pretty fucked up story, so sorry for that. However, I will do my best at writing a little this summer, and perhaps a new story will be out? Hmm idk, motivation is an annoying son of a butch.

Anyhow, the conclusion is that I will NOT be editing, but I will leave it on here just for you. I know it's not even close to remotely good, but I mean, I was like 12, so I had a pretty weird ass imagination all right.

I will update you if a new story is in progress, and I reallyreallyreally hope some of you might want to check it out, although it probably won't be a fanfic! I would become a very happy gurl!!

So yeah, that was a quick heads-up on the current situation. I hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation and that you eat as much ice cream and have as many cheat days as you can merely bare. Thank you so so much for everything, I absolutely would never even have kept this up if it weren't for YOU.

And ps: remember to read shitloads of books because books are LYFE.

Alright i'm Done.
Bye guys i looooove u!!

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