Chapter 24 ~ Truth

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~ Chapter 24 ~

"You should rest" Kendall said panicky.

Andrew nodded in agreement, with the same look as Kendall. Pattie, Justin and myself were all confused.

"No, tell me! What happend to him?" I asked as they were on their way out.

Kendall sighed.

"Pattie, Justin. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but can you give us a moment alone? We have to talk to Ari" Andrew said.

Pattie nodded, dragging her son with her out and shutting the door behind them.

"Tell me come on" I said desperately. Kendall sat down, with Andrew tagging along.

"We told them"

"Told them?" I asked confused.

"About the beatups" Kendall said nervously.

My stomach felt weird. My head was pounding and I started breathing heavily.

"The police asked a lot of questions and we broke! I am so so sorry ari!" She cried.

I just nodded. I didn't know what to say. Thank them or be angry?

"So he's in prison?" I asked, looking down on my lap.

They both nodded in the corner of my eye.

I was speechless. What would people think of me now? Did Justin know about this?

But Kendall and Andrew don't even know everything. They don't know WHY my dad did this. I know my dad and I know why he did this. Yes he hurt me, but it was only beacause he was more hurt himself.

I sighed. Should I tell them?

"What?" Andrew saw the looks that I gave them.

"I just..." nothing came out.

"You just what?" Kendall looked at me, she had suspicion in her eyes.

"There's something you're hiding from us" she said.

I felt my heart in my throat.

"You know when I was 14" I said.

They both nodded as a sign for me to continue.

"That was when my mom died... or not died. She was killed" I said, not looking at them.

"What? She was killed? By who?" Andrew asked.

My eyes were tearing up of the thought of mom.

"Uhm.. my dad came home really drunk one day and he had this gun... he didn't mean to... he just... he was pointing the gun at me... and then my mom came and everything just happend so fast!" I panicked and cried at the same time

"I was supposed to be dead, not mom! She didn't deserve this! I didn't want her to be dead, that wasn't supposed to happen!" I cried.

Andrew and Kendall were both shocked.

"He killed your mom?" Kendall had tears in her eyes.

I looked away but nodded.

"Oh my god Ari why the hell didn't you tell us?!" Kendall shouted.

"Because he threatened me!" I said angrily. I looked over at them both.

"He threatened you? About what?" Andrew asked.

"He said that if I told anyone, he would put the blame on me. He said that he would tell them that I went crazy and killed my own mom" I said with tears running down my face.

They looked worried. But there isn't anything to worry about. He's in prison. That means that I'm free.

They nodded.

"Is there anything more you have been hiding from us?" Kendall asked.

I just looked at them. But I didn't say anything. What would they think about me if I told them what he did to me?

"What did he do?" He asked.

I looked down on my hands.

I took a deep breath.

"He raped me"

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