Part 18

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Chanel's POV

I walked downstairs very cheery. I've actually been like this all week. Can't smack the smile off my face.

"Goodmorning." I said smiling.

Everyone looked at me all groggy and went back to their breakfast. I went to sit by Ciera. My mom passed me a plate.

"Thanks ma!"

She just looked at me and then went upstairs. Ciera turned to me.

"Why you so happy?" She asked. "You been like that since you got back."

"What I need to be sad for?" I asked.

She looked at me and shrugged.

"You the one that should be happy. It's the last day of school, your birthday is tomorrow and your graduation is next week." I said.

"Well I'm just gonna wait till tomorrow." She said.

Whatever, why can't I just be happy?

"Come on y'all!" My mom yelled.

They all got up to leave.

"Bye Nelly."

"Bye." I said and picked him up and kissed his head. "Be good okay?"

He nodded and I put him down.

"Uh, you too." My mom said.

"What? Where am I going?"

"To work this energy off." She said.

I smacked my teeth and got up. I was taking my plate and water with me though.

We got in the car and my mom drove off.

"Don't spill nothing in my car Chanel."

"Ain't nobody gonna spill anything." I mumbled.

I opened my water and it spilled a lil bit. Who told the water people to have it so filled? They don't fill chip bags, why water?

My mom looked at me.

"You went over a bump. That's your fault." I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. Welp, not my problem. We dropped everyone off and then my mom started to drive to somewhere.

"Ma, when is Damien coming back home?"

"When he straightens out his situation and actually knows what's going on." She said.

"He does though."

"He got a DNA test?" She asked.

"Next week."

"Well I guess he'll be home, next week." She said.

I left that situation alone. I ended up on Snap. "Wowzers" by Lil Wayne started playing through my tidal playlist and I was waiting for my mom to notice. I had the snap waiting for her to blow up.

Well that never happened. Trina part came on and she started to rap right along with her. I turned it off.

"Jesus ma, have you no shame!" I said looking for a Mary Mary song or something.

"What? You can rap it and I can't?"

"Yes, that's exactly how it's supposed to go." I said.

"But that's no fair."

"Life is not fair and I don't make the rules." I said. "You are not aloud to listen to Trina unless it's "Here It Goes"" I said.

"Here We Go." She pointed out.

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