Part 43

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Chanel's POV

"Okay, what you call me here for?" I heard.

I turned around and Rachel was standing there in her pajamas.

"You ain't wanna get dressed?" I asked.

She took a deep breath.

"Chanel, it's two in the morning my nigga and Kelly don't even know I left." She said.

"Aight, I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?" She asked.

"I need you to sing for me."

"Excuse you? You called me out my bed for that? I don't sing."

"But you can. Please, one song, just one song." I said.


"Come on, just listen to the song first please. You drove all the way over here so at least hear the song."

She sighed and sat down. Good, now to reel her in.

I played her Sarah Bareilles She Used To Be Mine. If you know the song just go with me.

"Now I'm gonna switch up the keys a bit put our spin on it just please agree to sing it." I said pleading.

She thought for a good minuet.

"Alright, but only this song and that's it." She said.


"First things first, you gotta call and tell Kelly I'm here." She said standing and taking off her jacket.

I smacked my teeth but whatever to get her in the booth. While she practiced in the booth I decided to take the easy way out and send a text message. Call me a punk or whatever but I'm not waking that woman up. Everybody in this house sleep except for my mom who ain't home yet.

I called her phone to see where she was at.

"Yes Chanel."

"You still rehearsing?" I asked.

"Are you gonna tell your father on me if I am?" She asked.

"You been gone since four o'clock ma, you need to get some rest. It's two something now." I said spinning around in the chair.

"What are you doing up?" She asked.

"Working but I'm not doing anything physical." I said. "Can you please come home?"

"In a hour." She said.

"Mommy." I whined.

Yes, I'm twenty-two and just whined but I want my mom home and not over working herself. Y'all want a good show right? Her in good health? Okay then.


"I'll tell daddy if you're not here by three." I said.

"Don't threaten me." She said.

"You gonna be here by three?" I asked laughing.

"Shut up." She said and hung up and I laughed.

My mom is funny.

"Aye!" I heard and looked up at Rachel in the booth.

She showed me her phone and Kelly was calling. I hit the button.

"You better answer her." I said.

"Didn't you call?"

"A text."

She rolled her eyes and picked up the call. I stayed listening to be nosy.

"Chanel called me over to her house to work on something." She said. "Huh? I took the benz. I couldn't walk over here."

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