Part 29

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Part 29

Power 105.1- The Breakfast Club

Chanel's POV

"Chanel and Rachel." Charlemagne said.

"What up?" I said smiling.

"Hey." Rachel said.

"You can't just hey us after what y'all did last night." Envy said.

"What you mean?" I asked. "What you talking about?"

"You released a song last night." Envy said.

"Not just a song she was dropping bars." Charlemagne said. "Over that sick beat Rachel did."

"It wasn't that crazy." I said hiding a smile.

"Ya'll had everyone talking this morning." Angela said.

"But when doesn't that happen Angela." Rachel said laughing.

"Run down how all this happened." Envy said.

"Aight, Uhm I was in the studio with Rachel and my brother. We were playing around and Rachel played this beat. Damien told me to get on it so I wrote something and recorded it. When it was over they was all gassing me up and everything and Rachel was like I dare you to send it to Nicki." I said.

"Nicki Minaj, correct?" Angela asked.

"Yeah." I said nodding. "I was a lil nervous but I still did it. I hit her with a text like "check your email." So we go to dinner. Shout out MBV and Uncle Von. Anyway this is like four hours later from when I sent the verse to Nicki. We in the car heading home and I see Nicki calling."

"So you just got Nicki number?" Envy asked.

"Well yeah." I said shrugging. "Never really used it for real for real though. But yeah I answer and she asked if I played it for my dad yet and I said no. She was like "Play it for your dad then call me back." And hung up."

We all laughed.

"So I get home and we play it for my parents. I wasn't sure how they was gonna take it cause my dad asked Rachel to replay it. Afterwards they was just quiet. I was like damn, Rachel and Damien gassed me up for nothing and I'm wack." I said laughing.

"What Hov say?"

"He was like, "you write that?" And I was like "yeah." He looked at my mom and then at me and started smiling." I said. "He told me I was holding out on him. My mom was like put that out tonight. I was stalling all nervous and everything like "I don't have a cover for it" and any excuse I could find."

"Apparently she won." Angela said and I laughed.

"Yeah, she did." I said.

"You ever call Nicki back?" Envy asked.

"Yeah, she was just giving me some words of inspiration or whatever if I wanted to continue and everything."

"So you a rapper now? Why you drop this?" Charlemagne asked.

"Well an artist asked me to give them a sixteen and this was just to check to see how people react and to make sure I'm not wack." I said.

"So you gonna drop a mixtape or something?" He asked.

"Oh nah, I'm good." I said.

"Why not? Rachel could host it." Envy said.

Rachel laughed.

"Honestly we don't even have time between school and everything." Rachel said.

"I forget y'all in school." Charlemagne said. "Senior year?"

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