All These Pretty Faces and Lies : 13

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" I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything. No, I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams. You won't leave me alone, even though I know you're gone.. "


 "So, tell me what exactly happened, Avi." Emery mumbled, sipping on a Caramel frappe from McDonald's. I shook my head, shrugging. I didn't really want to talk about it. Especially now. Some things are better just kept quiet. 

"Nothing, Em. Drop it for a minute, k?" I groaned, lying my head on the cafeteria table. 

"No. You are going to tell me, or I am going to annoy you even more. You have been acting sketchy these past few days and I wanna know why." I sat up straight, narrowing my eyes at her as evilly as I could, to try and warn her that I wasn't going to take bullshit. But she just smiled. I growled, dipping my finger in the whipped topping of her frappe and sticking it in my mouth. She gasped dramatically.

"Maybe later. But first, you have to tell me what is going on between you and Tanner, eh?" I smirked, raising my eyebrow and nudging her shoulder. She tried much too hard to not smile, but she did, and it made me smile even more.

"Avalon," She howled in a whiny tone. "I am not a fifteen year old girl, and you are not a perverted fifteen year old boy, so stop trying to act like you are trading me for nudes!" She cried. I brought my hand over my mouth and shot upwards, gasping. 

"Nudes? Where?" Tanner said, plopping down next to Emery and kissing her cheek softly with a smile. Aw, how sweet. Teenage love. I nearly puked.

"Up your butt and around the corner." I snapped, waving him off fancily, but he scooted closer to me and leaned in. 

"That would be my dick, sweetheart." I gawked, disgusted by the fact. He winked and gave Emery another kiss. She giggled, blushing. I had to leave before I became the third wheel. Mission, abort. I no longer care about the two of them.

 I stumbled upwards, shivering that they were still kissing each other and began to walk out towards the courtyard. 

"Going somewhere?" A familiar, yet rigid tone asked from my tone. I looked over, stopping merely instantly right after. Kira. What was she doing here? Wait. Nevermind, I did not care. I just wanted to get out. For God's sake's, can't a girl get some fresh air. "We should talk, yes? Courtyard. Lead the way." I bit my lip, shoving open the doors to the cafeteria and walking outside. The courtyard was just a small yard directly in the center of the school, with benches and swings and flowers everywhere. But no one really went out there, except for me. I took a seat on the bench, looking over at Kira who had a smile on her features. "Look, I am really sorry about the whole thing with Alec. That wasn't supposed to happen. But you, being his cousin and all, should know that he and I had a past and--" I stopped her dead sentence, fuming.

"Cousin?" I answered sharply, biting my tongue. "Kira, what exactly did Alec tell you?" She looked innocent, but puzzled. 

"Well, he said you were staying with him and his parents for a while because your parents are on vacation. He said you were his cousin, and that you would understand because you two were super close and he tells you everything. I wish I could have a family bond like that." She smiled sweetly, exhaling a breath. I wanted to scream. Punch a wall. Punch Alec. Scream some more. And run away. But yeah, me and Alec are totes cousins. We even made out in the middle of the lunchroom, that's how close we are! Bullshit. 

"And you two are together now, right?" I asked. She grinned much too widely, which fully gave away the answer. Oh, deary my. This boy is in some deep shit. "Right. Well, happy for you, Kira. Nice seeing you again, but I gotta go." Kick Alec's ass. I left that out, though. Because I'm too nice. "Later." I smiled forcefully, shooting upwards and pacing myself back into the school building. 

"Easy, Tiger. What nipped the tail?" Kayde chuckled, grabbing hold of my arms as I nearly barged right through him on the way to find Alec. I groaned angrily, feeling the heat just bubble up within me. 

"Alec, Kayde. Alec." I snapped. He nodded, making an 'o' with his lips.

"What did he do?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. 

"Said I was his cousin, to Kira, because I walked in on them doing the dirty. On accident! So instead of telling his own girlfriend the truth, he tells her that I am his cousin. His cousin!" I was nearly yelling. Kayde looked at me for a second, than gulped down a laugh. "What's so funny?" I snapped. He shook his head, pulling me into a hug.

"You are too innocent for your own good, Avi." He smiled. I pushed him off, grunting.

"Am not." I retorted. He had a determined glint in his eyes, which made me casually come to the conclusion that he didn't pay attention to a damn thing I said. 

"Are to." He spoke, sticking his tongue out like a four year old. I wasn't in the mood to play around.

"Just. Ugh! Shush, and tell me where Alec is! I am dead set on killing him right now, and you might not want to be in my way when I do." Kayde raised his hands upwards, laughing.

"Feisty." Alec mumbled from behind me, his hands locking around my waist. I screeched and tore away from his firm grip, snapping my head towards him like a viscous piranha. "So, what did I do today?" He smiled. I lunged backwards and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. Which wasn't very hard, but it still made a painful sound. He lumbered aside and cursed rapidly.

"You told Kira I was your cousin? Alec, you are a fucking child. I cannot believe you." I growled, rubbing my palm which was beginning to redden and sore. Kayde latched onto my arms to keep me from attacking Alec, his mouth agape. "When you are in a relationship with someone, which you failed to tell me last night because you are an asshole, you are supposed to be honest at all times. Not go around telling your girlfriend that you are cousins with a girl you made out with. Twice! But it's just funny, really. How much of a hypocrite you are." I spat, my voice booming. People that roamed the hallways were gathering around, wide-eyed at my little rampage. Including Kira, Tanner, Emery, and pretty much half of the school. This..Oh this, was going to make Alec hate my guts. But hell, I could care less. Alec had built enough strength to pull himself up, his lip bleeding the slightest bit and his eyes sharp and menacing. He snickered. 

"You are too cute." He grinned, rolling his eyes. I flared.

"How can you do that, Alec!? Act like you do not care, like you do not feel anything and the world is just gradually revolving around you and your hard head. Because I can't do that. I feel, and I feel everything! But I suppose I was just too naive and helpless to realize what a big mistake I was making by even thinking you could change. Because the Lord knows I have tried, Alec, to make you become at least a small percent human. But it is simply impossible. I give up." I cried. My throat hurt from screaming, and Kayde was holding me as tight as possible so I wouldn't fall down crying. He had his head nuzzled against my shoulder, arms pulling me back, but it still hurt. I wanted to punch Alec. I wanted to make him regret everything. But still, he was just gazing up at me with his demanding eyes and a smug look, like he was the king and I was his servant. 

"You should have given up along time ago." He scoffed. And with that, Alec Vermont shoved himself through the crowd and left me there, crying and shouting at the nothingness. I had nothing else to turn towards to. But as I thought, I could never help him. Nobody could. The only person standing in front of himself, was him. And he wanted to be like that. He wanted to be the worst person in the world and smile about it.

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