Bad Boy's Game : 30

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"Your lies are bullets, your mouth's a gun. No war and anger was ever won. Put out the fire before igniting."


 "Can we talk?" I questioned softly, a light pink color tinting the very edges of my cheeks. He lifted his shoulders upwards in a small shrug and moved aside, allowing me to step inside. The room was warm and somewhat rearranged. It looked different, it felt different. "I know you are mad."

 He scoffed and shut the door behind me, shaking his head with an amused grin. "You mean, since you left me? Yeah. You could say that." I cowered in guilt. This made him suppress a soft sigh, taking slow steps in my direction. "I'm sorry, Avi." I glanced up at him.

 "We both know I deserved that." I muttered beneath my breath, a small smile creeping on my lips at the sight of his light hazel eyes. Oh, how I missed them.

 Alec shook his head and stepped back. "I found out my mom was the one who told you everything. I know it was stupid of me not to tell you every little detail about my life, but I figured you would run. I just didn't.." He paused, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I couldn't lose you." I averted my gaze downwards and tugged my lower lip between my teeth. Eventually it was faced back towards him with his pointer finger at my chin. I could feel my heart beating against my chest. "I know you said goodbye, Avalon, but I just can't let you."

 I gazed upwards at him for a small moment and inhaled a soft breath. "I didn't say those things for no reason, Alec." His expression faltered with sincerity. Alec stepped in slightly closer, the warmth radiating from his body to mine causing me to wince. The soft mint from his breath making my eyes flutter in his wake.

 "You said you still loved me, why let that stop just because it's easier?" He filled the small distance between our lips with his. Bounds of electricity shot throughout my body and slid across my skin. I wanted to pull away, but I couldn't. It felt too perfect. He deepened the kiss and tugged me into him, his jaw tightening. I slipped my fingertips through his hair messily and purred against his lips.

 Eventually, my phone began to ring in my back pocket. I attempted to pull away, but Alec latched his teeth gently onto my lower lip and smirked devilishly. "I have to get that." I muttered.

 "I will, then." He said with a satisfying grin before slipping his fingers into my back pocket. I winced, waiting for him to pull my phone from the back pocket. He answered it for me, interlocking his hand around my wrists and holding my hands to his torso. "Hello, Emery." He said sweetly, capturing his gaze with mine suggestively. I blushed. "No, No. She's right here." I heard Emery start rambling in the phone. "I am not holding her against her will, chill out."

 I raised my eyebrows, flashing him a pointed look. "You kind of are." I stated. He rolled his eyes and brought the back of my hand to his lips, pecking it ever so softly.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" He grumbled with an agitated tone. "Fine, you can talk to her but only because you are annoying the hell out of me." He released my hands and gave me the phone. After I took it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I smiled.

Emery began to repeat my name. "Hey, Em." I said. She sighed with relief, but I could hear her clearing her throat as if she were going to start ranting to me.

"This is you trying to fix things, huh? You're stupid." I winced at her words and suppressed a soft chuckle.

"Aw, I think that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me." She scoffed. My voice was laced with sarcasm as I spoke. Alec began to place small kisses along my shoulder.

 I muttered a few colorful words beneath my breath and nudged him in the side. He chuckled. "Look, you need to come back right now. I honestly could care less if you bring Alec but Tate wants to say bye to you before he leaves." I suppressed a soft sigh and pulled back from Alec, looking up at him. He tilted his head to the side.

"We will be there soon." I said. The phone line cut, and I could tell Emery was slightly mad at mad for caving in so easily. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket. "Do you mind coming over for a little bit? I have to say goodbye to Anne and Tate." The name caused Alec to flinch. He grabbed me by my waist and rested his forehead on mine.

"Do I have to?" He whined, pushing out his lower lip in a pout with a frown. I rolled my eyes and grumbled lowly beneath my breath.

My gaze reached his. "You don't have to, I guess.." I spoke softly, heaving a light sigh. He stared at me for a minute and gingerly pulled himself away, crossing his arms over his chest. A cheeky smile flashed over my features. He looked so cute.

"Fine, I will go." He grumbled. I hopped at his side and intertwined my fingers with his, tossing his bedroom door open and gradually making my way down the stairs with Alec trailing behind ever so slowly. As soon as we reached the bottom, Olivia was standing at the bottom of the steps with a pensive expression plastered onto her face. I smiled.

 Alec flashed a cheeky grin before cradling his arm around my waist. "For now on, I do not require your opinions when it comes to my girl. If you have a problem then please feel free to say something to me. But if you ever speak negatively to Avalon again, then you best understand that you will never see me again." My girl. I looked up at him in awe, wanting to wrap my entire existence around him in that short moment and never let go. Olivia looked hurt.

"You don't mean that, Alec." She muttered, her eyes flashing back and forth between me and him. He glanced over at me, his gaze connecting with mine. I smiled. Alec stared for a short moment then returned his attention to his mother, who was frowning.

"Who are you to tell me what I do and don't understand? Because I know for damn sure that I would. She's my girl, mine to me. Now if you'll excuse us." Olivia flashed a shocked expression upon her face as she stepped aside. Alec tugged me along and soon we were out the door.

"Alec?" I spoke, stopping before we reached his sleek black car. He looked down at me, raising an eyebrow. I couldn't help but grin. "I love you." The words slipped from my tongue so smoothly to the point it felt perfect. He blinked, that Alec smirk creeping onto his lips before they reached mine. He tugged away the smallest fraction of an inch, his soft lips hovering just over mine as he spoke.

"I love you more, princess."

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