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As soon as we got home, I jumped out of the car and rushed to Elena's side and stayed glued to her until we hit the kitchen. Elena did give me confused looks and at times she also gave me annoyed looks but I didn't mind at all. I just want her to stay away from Jake. He kept glaring at me the whole time during the walk from porch to kitchen. I ignored him. He also looked at Elena with twinkling eyes and shit.

We hit the kitchen first because Jenna called us for finishing her food off. My stomach was full with pizzas. So, Jake and Elena joined with Jenna. Jake, being the sly wolf was about to sit near Elena but I pushed him off and inserted myself between them and sat beside Elena saying that I want a mouth of Jenna's blueberry pancake.

Somehow, the time to disclose this whole mate thing, have come. After dinner, the three of us walked upstairs. I dragged Elena to my room with Jake following us hot on heels. Stupid wolf boy.

"Trix? Is something wrong? You have been acting so strange." Elena asked skeptically as I made her sit on my bed and I sat beside her. Jake sat on the other side of Elena. So, I immediately sat in between Jake and Elena. Hehe. Jake groaned.

"Yeah! You're acting like a clingy girlfriend." Jake smirked. I immediately chucked a pillow at his wolf head. I knew, it wouldn't hit him.

"Elena, we've something to tell you." I started, slowly. She nodded, implying that I should start.

"Um-" Before I could start she cut me off.

"You guys are dating or gonna date and you want my approval. Am I right?" She asked in her sisterly tone, pointing at me and Jake. Jake howled in laughter and my jaw dropped to bed and my eye twitched, which happens when I'm beyond flabbergasted.

"No, no. We're not dating or gonna date anytime. El he's my sibling now, his dad adopted me." I said shaking my head like a dog.

"Then?" She asked raising her brows at me. Only now Jake, idiot, stopped howling beside me and sobered up.

"Well, Jake, here, is a werewolf. You probably know that. The actual thing what I'm trying to tell-" Jake cut my lecture off.

"Elena, I imprinted on you." He dropped it just like that on her face.

"Huh?" She seemed unfazed or unsurprised. Oh, Crap! I forgot. She doesn't have a werewolf friend. Tyler is not like Jake and other guys from La Push. So, obviously, he wouldn't know about imprinting and stuffs, even if he did, he wouldn't have discussed about it to Elena. They aren't that close.

"Let me put it in normal, human terms. You're Jacob's mate, soulmate." This time I didn't drag the matter. I just dropped the bomb on my cousins head. I think she understood because her eyes bulged out and she rose up from bed in slow motion, staring at Jake.

"What? No no no." She got freaked out, I guess. She panicked and started shaking her head.

"Elena, just calm down and let me explain." Jake pleaded and was about to get up but I held his hand and stopped him from moving. It wasn't so easy, yet I tried. I held Elena's hand and made her sit back down on the bed.

"El, let him explain." I said with pleading eyes. At this moment, puppy dog eyes won't work. Elena nodded her head. I turned around to look at Jake. His face was glowing in happiness but that may disappear once he explains detaily about mates.

"Leave." Jake said, still grinning.

"No way in hell. I'm staying too." With that I gave them some space to talk by falling back on the bed but stayed right in between both of them. I'm pretty awesome, right?

Jake started but I zoned out and admired the plain ceiling. It appeared too beautiful to me, at this moment. I even started imagining some wild patterns on it. I gotta ask Jenna about making my imagination come true.

"Oh my God! But I'm in love with Stefan." I heard Elena's voice and sat up. Jake pushed me back down.

"I know." He sighed, "I'm not asking you to love me or anything. All I'm asking is, let me be there for you in any way possible. It's all your choice. I will be your protector, best friend and brother, if you let me to." Jake explained, pleading with his eyes.

Elena looked at him and then helped me to sit up. After few minutes of complete silence, Elena opened her mouth.

"I don't know what to say but I did feel some pull the minute I saw you." She admitted so honestly. I looked at Jake and he was glowing so brightly again with a toothy grin.

"It's natural. I won't force you into anything. I already love a girl and so you don't have to worry about me torturing you on that part. But just let me be as whatever you'd want me to be." Jake said and I snorted at the part when he said that he loves a girl already. Bella. Bleck. Jeez, that alliterated.

"Okay." Elena agreed and smiled at Jake.

Now, now. Something's bothering me, all of a sudden. Jake got a mate but he doesn't love her like a soulmate. All he's gonna do is be a protector, best friend and brother. He's supposed to be a boyfriend too, as that's part of being mates. Since both of them are in love with different people, that role gets ruled out. The thing that's bothering me now is, if suppose, Jake stops loving Bella and the mates love kick in, he may start loving Elena and she's never go return that love. So Jake may be heartbroken and would never be able to be with his mate.

In alternate way, if Elena feels too much pull towards Jake due to the mates thingy. She might leave Stefan and love Jake. But Jake is in love with Bella bitch. In this scenario, my cousin would be left heartbroken.

In both possible scenarios, I'm gonna be the one who's gonna feel sad because Jake and Elena are both important people in my life. I can't see either of them being heartbroken.
I'm still doomed.

Elena's Cousin( The Vampire Diaries/Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now