Twenty Eight

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I gaped at Edward, who was enjoying the show. He'd already read my thoughts but didn't react the way that I'd expected him to. But, I'm sure, Jake won't disappoint my assumption. He'd surely throw a fit and bite my head off.

"What? Answer me, Trix." Jake barked.

"Uh-um.. Yes. We were a thing." I said, looking down at my lap and tried to play with my fingers, so I could avoid Jake's fiery stares.

"Whaaaaat?" He yelled at top of his lungs and I could feel my room and my tiny heart shaking.

"I can expl-" I wanted to say that we weren't a thing anymore but he beat me to it.

"What's wrong with you girls? Elena and now, you." He spat and shook his head and started pacing up and down.

It felt awesome inside to see Jake being worried about me and Elena alone and not about a certain, pathetic human from Forks. I could jump around for that sole reason later.

"Jake, I-" Again he didn't let me talk at all. He just raised his hand and shushed me.

I turned to Edward and found him with his signature, crooked smile. I don't know what was so funny and amusing here. I knew Edward was of no help so, I ignored his existence.

I stood in Jake's way and he stopped in front of me, few inches away and towered over me. I placed my hand on his mouth, shutting it tight, so that I could talk without being interrupted.

"Listen to me." He rolled his eyes and was murmuring something behind my hand. I carried on with my explanation, anyway, "Jake, I said 'we were a thing'. It's a past tense. We broke up when Elena got kidnapped. I don't know whether we'll make it up later or not."

He nodded and removed my hand from his mouth with his gigantic hand.

"Nothing's happening later. I can't believe you had hid it from me all this while."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could inform you guys on my birthday." I mumbled. The disappointment in his voice was starting to eat me up. But I knew he wouldn't approve and that's why I didn't tell him before hand.

"Wow, a surprise return gift?" He mocked me, raising his brow.

I had nothing else left to say. I felt exhausted and defeated. It was just morning and I already wanted to crawl into my bed and sleep off my worries and guilt.

I leaned forward and rested my head on his chest and wrapped my other hand which wasn't getting crushed by a wolf boy's hand, around his waist. I could hear his chest rising up and down in anger but it gradually decreased in few seconds. He released his hold on my hand and wrapped his hands around my back and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jake." I mumbled inside his chest.

He chuckled. "That tickles."

I smiled and hugged him tightly. Soon, another pair of hands were around me.

Edward. Awe awe. It was a group hug now. Warm body and a cold body, it felt awesome, like my personal air conditioner and a heater. Lol.

"I heard that too." Edward snorted but didn't pull back.

"What did she think now?" Jake enquired.

"Nothing about Damon." Edward said and tightened his grip around Jake and I.

"Guys, stop crushing my baby." Elena's voice was heard from the door. The guys unlatched themselves from me and we turned around to face her.

Stefan was leaning on the doorway, holding on to Elena's shoulder, with his cute smile.

"It's been ages, I last saw you." With that I lunged at him and attacked him in a hug.

Thank God, he caught me and hugged me back, chuckling.

This means, one person in this room may be frowning.

Jacob Black.

I saw something blooming between Jake and Elena during Stefan's absence and his presence may put a barrier to that or worse, an end to that.


We decided to leave to The Grill, leaving Jenna, Alaric and Jeremy back at home. Jer was too lazy to leave his bed.

At the Grill, Stefan and Elena sat at one side of the table and, Jake and Edward on the opposite side with me, squished in between the two.

We were shooting Stefan with multiple questions on his whereabouts and his absence for these many days. It was mainly El and I talking, while Jake and Edward were sulking like old people.

"I had to leave to Chicago and I was caught up with some work." Stefan said, pursing his lips. That answer was enough for me but Elena was giving him a look that said, elaborate on that 'some work'.

I nodded, satisfied with his answer and started sipping into my wine. I'm not allowed to touch alcoholic stuffs. But few wines do have alcohol in them, right? I don't know. Pft.

Elena was telling about the kidnapping story to Stefan and I was nearly at the bottom of my glass. Damn! The drink was over.

I got up and dragged the boys along with me to get another drink. They had nothing to do anyway. Edward was too happy to leave but Jake was a bit hesitant and I knew he was dragging his feet all the way to the bar stool, a bit away from our table. I caught him looking over at our table, or, to be more specific, at Elena.

Poor thing.

"Trix, how are you?" Matt was a bartender. Cool.

"I'm fine. How're you? It's been ages since I saw you and Tyler."

We chatted for awhile and again, Edward and Jake we're sulking, looking around the Grill.

"Hi, guys." A very familiar and irritating voice was heard from the back of my head.

I turned to my sides and found the guys were already facing her, with not so pleasant look on their faces.

I turned around, and felt like slitting her throat off. To add more fuel to my hatred, she had a company, standing way close to my dislike, more like glued to her.

Edward held my hand and gave me a look that said, 'just ignore her' but I couldn't.

I sighed and turned back to the devil.

"Hello, Bella." I waved with a super fake smile on my face. She was gritting her teeth and tried to smile back at me but Edward holding me, made it too difficult for her to act, I guess.

She exhaled like a bull and turned to Jake, who was just shooting laser at her. He wasn't shaking though, which meant that he wouldn't be going wolf on anyone, yet.

"What are you doing here?" Jake spat.

"Oh! I just came to visit him." She pointed to her company, who was smirking, obviously enjoying the whole scene.

I was about to open my mouth and talk something, before that, her so called company, held her waist, turned her to the side and started kissing the life out of her.

Edward's hold got a bit tighter around my hand. I just stared blankly at them. I didn't know what to feel by the sight. I felt so void inside. My emotions were messy. I couldn't pick one at the moment.

I sighed and stood up, ready to leave the place but Edward was still holding my hand.

Out of nowhere, Stefan was standing in front of us, more likely, in front of me. I looked behind him and found Elena approaching us slowly, looking pale at the sight of two assholes kissing.

I made eye contact with Stefan and BOOM.

Stefan kissed me, holding the counter behind me. I was thrilled.

My ex-boyfriend was kissing my enemy, Bella and here, my ex's brother and my cousin's boyfriend was kissing me.

Yeah, the so called Bella's company was Damon Salvatore.

And, Stefan Salvatore was kissing me for God knows why.


Elena's Cousin( The Vampire Diaries/Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now