Twenty one

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Having to listen to my cousin's mental problem, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I don't know what to do and how to do it. 'It' here means, various plans to knock some senses into Elena about Jacob. Gosh, gosh, gosh, I'm going crazy.

I didn't talk much during breakfast, which happened to be with the family, of course, that includes, Jer, Elena, Jenna and I. Jenna did shoot me some suspicious looks occasionally but I managed to lie that I was missing my boyfriend. Yeah, I disclosed that information at house. But I haven't talked about it to the Cullens or the Black family about it. I'm sure they wouldn't be so happy after all.

During lunch I was super quiet too, since I was planning hell lot of scenarios in my brain and found one thing. I'm gonna tell the Salvatore brothers the truth which Elena and I have been hiding from them, not so purposely but had to hide it, Jacob imprinting on Elena. I wasn't planning to walk straight up to Stefan and say that 'Elena isn't interested in you anymore. So, good luck?' Damn, I don't think so.

Talking to my baby blue, only him, is an okay option.

After asking myself for like million times whether it's a good decision or not. I got a text from my boyfriend midway through my brainstorm. He had asked me to come over to his place. He'd also mentioned that he has something important to talk to me.

I think I know what's it about. He's gonna dump me. I inhaled deeply and let out a loud sigh. It's not even a month since we started going out and all that. Whatever. I'm on my way to the Salvatore boarding house after stuffing my pant pocket with lot of tissue papers to use it when the breaking up or dumping ceremony takes place. Sighs. I'm pathetic.

Damon and I were sitting in his room and I was only fiddling with his silk sheets. Actually we were supposed to talk in the living room but I insisted on doing the talk in the room. I love his room. At times, I wonder whether I'm in love with him or his silk sheets. Hehe, shoot me.

"Trix?" Damon called out to gain my attention. Crap! He's gonna start the talk. He and I were sprawled on the bed.

I gotta listen to whatever he's gotta say. "Yeah?" I asked, lifting my head up from his bed to look at him. Damn his eyes. It was sending me into some tingling fit.

"I wanna talk to you about something." He started by moving a bit closer to me. I was only looking at his eyes and of course, at his face too.

"You already said that in text." I deadpanned and earned a sexy chuckle from him in response.

He held my hand and pulled me towards him. Damn his vampire strength. I flew to his side in a flash and I was now sitting on his lap, sideways. This position was a bit uncomfortable so I changed into a straddle. Cool, it's way more better. I was able to see his face clearly. He wrapped his hands around my waist but didn't pull me anymore closer.

"You know that I was madly in love with Katherine, right?" Damon asked. Oh my God! Don't tell that you can't forget her and shit to me now. I nodded slowly.

He started saying the real stuffs once I nodded. It seemed that he had hard time forgetting Katherine but he happened to like my cousin, Elena too, when he was totally done with Katherine and her bitchiness. I had already sensed that he'd a thing for my cousin before and may be even now.

"Do you still like or love Elena?" I asked, though the words were refusing to come out since there was a stupid lump forming inside my throat.

"I can't say that I love her but she's as important as you, to me." He admitted and looked intently into my eyes.

I removed my hand from his and that made him frown but my hands were soon on his cheek, cupping it. "I know and I really don't mind that." I said and pecked on his forehead. He tightened his hold on my waist and I was pressed against him.

He jerked up all of a sudden, shoving me on the bed in the process.

"What's wrong?" I asked, regaining my composure.

"Someone's here." With that said, he flew out of the room in a flash. Stefan isn't at home. He's out of town. I wrapped myself in the silk sheets and was waiting patiently for Damon to get back. It may be Caroline or any of our friends. But the breaking noises downstairs, proved me otherwise.

I got to the stairs and climbed down midway through it and froze on my spot.

It was Edward who was punching Damon and Damon returned some punches at Edward too. What the hell?

"Guys! Stop." I yelled and yes, they stopped and turned to face me. Edward's eyes widened. I don't know why. But Damon used this chance and threw a punch at Edward and sent him flying.

"Sto-" I thought of helping Edward and then stopping Damon from doing further damages to the house but my bad, I stepped on the silk sheet, my love, and slipped epically. Stairs and I will never get along, I guess.

Goodbye earth.

Oh! Someone caught me. Cool.

Elena's Cousin( The Vampire Diaries/Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now