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Jacob's POV:

What am I gonna tell Edward about Trixie? I'm doomed. I should've let Edward complete what he was about to tell me the other day. I should've checked my mobile at least. If so, I would've saved Trixie. I feel so damn guilty.

Edward said that he's waiting outside Jenna's house. I don't know how the hell he knew the address. Since, we were crowding the hospital they asked some of us to leave. Elena, Stefan and Damon stayed back. I wanted to stay back too but I gotta pick Edward up.

As Jeremy  pulled the car up in front of the house, I noticed Edward and Alice. Crap! I gotta deal with two of the Cullens now. Can my luck get any worse?

Shit! Edward can read minds. I gotta stop thinking about Trixie when I'm around him. But others are gonna think about her and he's gonna pounce on me the minute I step out of the car.

"Hi, Edward and Alice!" Jenna brought herself to act normal. I'm sure her thoughts would've failed.

"Trixie's in coma?" Edward looked at me with his fiery eyes. Alice gasped and dropped to the floor, crying.

Edward pounced on me and pushed me to the ground.

"It's all your fault." He yelled at my face, sitting on me.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm worried as hell too. I wasn't having fun or anything. Elena's friends were shot, that's why I didn't notice the text message." I snarled back at him.

"Guys, guys! Knock it off. It's no one's fault." Alaric tried to pull Edward from me. Edward did pull himself off of me but his hands were wrapped around my neck and squeezing it a bit.

"What else did the doctor say?" Alice asked, wiping her eyes.

"She may wake up from coma in two days." Jenna said in a low voice.

"She'll wake up. And don't blame yourself for not being able to make her stop from falling from the stairs." Edward said looking intently at Jeremy. Jer gave WTF look.

"Guys! Edward can read minds." I stepped in. Jenna, Alaric and Jeremy looked dumbfounded. Obviously, that's how everyone feels.

"I wanna see Trixie." Edward said and Alice joined him too.

"Fine." I sighed and asked Jeremy whether I could use his car to get there.

Alice hopped into the backseat. I walked over to the driver seat and Edward took the passenger seat.


On reaching the hospital, I took the Cullens first to the waiting room to meet Elena and others.

Elena and Damon  looked like mess. Stefan was holding Elena. As much as I hate to admit, I was a bit jealous.

"What?" Edward's head snapped in my direction. Uh-oh I forgot about this bastard's mind reading ability.

"What? Nothing." I deadpanned and tried to move away from him as far as possible.

"I'll see to that later." He grumbled and turned to Elena.

"Can we see Trixie?" He asked. Yeah, I wanna see her badly too. Its my fault partly too that she's here.

"Yes it is." Edward asshole said as he's reading my continuously.

"Will you stop reading my mind?" I couldn't tolerate this blood sucker. He pounced on me.

"Guys, guys! Just stop! What's wrong?" Elena tried to pry him off of me but she failed so Alice stepped in and pulled him.

I told them about this bloodsucker's mind reading ability. Elena was beyond shocked, Stefan looked surprised and Damon looked unfazed. He doesn't care, I guess. But I really do. This asshole keeps getting into my head.

"Its strange." Edward said ignoring my thoughts, thankfully.

"What is?" Alice asked.

"I can't read any of their minds." Edward said, confusion evident on his face.

Thank God! They don't have to go through what I'm going through. Edward glared at me. Pft.

"Doctor's didn't let all of us to see her. So, only I was allowed, since I'm her cousin." Elena answered in a low voice. Before any of us could interrogate further, she continued.

"She had a patch over her forehead, and her right ankle was wrapped in cast or something. I think it's sprained or fractured. She looked peaceful." Elena started crying and Stefan pulled her for a hug. My wolf growled inside.

Edward and Alice looked so worried.

"Are the others coming too?" I asked, trying to change the subject but it turned out pretty bad.

"You wanna know about Bella?" Edward barked at my face. He would make an awesome werewolf. I bet you. He growled at me. See?

We'd a stare down until Damon interrupted us.

"I'll take you guys to Trixie." With that Damon left the room with Edward and Alice in tow.

I looked at Elena, skeptically.

"He's gonna compel the nurses or someone." Stefan said.

I should've known. I wanna see her too but after seeing her like that my guilt would eat me up, even more. From what Elena had said, I got an image of Trixie. I think that's more than enough.

Hope she wakes up in two days. If not I don't know what I'd do. I may probably disappear into the woods and never come back.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update. I was kinda busy. I couldn't bring myself to write 3rd person's POV , so I wrote Jacob's. As much as I love to read few stories that are 3rd person's POV, I couldn't do it myself. In one more chapter, this story may end or Trixie may wake up XP I just feel like killing her in coma and ending this story :D Oh! I'm still not sure about whom she's gonna end up with :)

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