Thirty Five

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Stefan dropped me at home and everyone pounced on me in the name of wishing me. I was squished, thanks to Elena and Jenna. I got lifted up a bit either on the process, thanks Jeremy. Jake and Edward gave a normal hug, no squishing, no lifting.

I had leisure time getting ready since it was my birthday. The best part about birthdays, I get to wear a new dress and, yes that excites me all the time. But on this birthday I didn't have anything special to wear. As I was pretty busy with all the dramas that had been going in my life, I had forgotten to get me a special dress to wear on this day. Sucks,  I know. 

I was surrounded by special people, that was what mattered the most though. Stefan had asked me on a friendly date to the Grill. I agreed right away since I had no other work to do other than sit idly at home and sulk about not wearing a birthday dress.

I was anxious about what Klaus was gonna say today. He, somehow managed to crawl into my thoughts very often. Was it because my friends kept talking about him? Or was it because he appeared nothing like a intimidating hybrid to me? Or was it his innocent smile and accent?

His smiling face played in my head and I couldn't control my smile. Such a cutie doesn't deserve to be badmouthed.

After dressing up, I left to see Bella in the hospital. And then left with Stefan.

It was so much fun. I never had a clue that Stefan could be this awesome. We talked for awhile and most of the time we were found making fun of someone or the other at the Grill. 

"There's something waiting for you in your room." Jenna said once I got back home along with Stefan.

I flew to my room expecting anything and everything but a cute dress inside a box wasn't on the list.

Happy birthday, love. I'd be glad if you wore this when you come to meet me at 7pm in Salvatore boarding house. ~Niklaus Mikaelson.

Oh my gosh!! What the fudge? Did he know that I didn't have a special dress? God, it's so cool.

"Look at this." I ran downstairs with the dress. There was Jenna and Alaric. Just them, others weren't found when I got back from date either.

Jenna's mouth was as wide as mine when she saw the dress. It wasn't sparkly or anything but it was beautiful in its own way. It was a white silk gown with tiny blue flowers pattern all over the dress and had a sparkly thing around the waist and on the straps. I loved it.

Stefan was unmoved. He was just  reading the note which he had took it by himself from my hand.

"Who sent it?" Alaric asked leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Klaus." Jenna and Stefan said in unison. Alaric didn't look so pleased as I was, on hearing the name. He grimaced.

"Trixie, you don't know anything about him." He started as he walked towards me. Jenna gave a nod. Damn Alaric's vibe was beginning to clash with my happy vibe.

"It's just a dress." I shrugged, rubbing it against my cheek. The dress was so soft and heavenly.

"I didn't meant that. Just stay away from him. It would be best if you don't see him at all." Alaric was serious, well he was always serious but in higher level now.

"He had asked to meet her tonight." Stefan had to say that at the right time. And Alaric shot me a glare. Jenna was quiet, surprisingly, but I found her agreeing to everything what Alaric was saying at the moment.

"It's about my mom. He knew her and I wanna know what he knows about her in his perspective. The days I had lived with my dad were nothing but a huge lie. I thought he loved mom and me the way any man was supposed to love his family. So, I would like to listen to Klaus and what he knows of her." After I had shut my mouth, I found Alaric's glare fading a little and Jenna was hugging me sideways.

"Fine, just be cautious." Alaric said defeated, with a small smile.

"Fine." I was about to go back to my room but turned around, "Where's everybody?"

"Oh! I have sent them all out to get you a nice birthday cake and some presents." Jenna giggled.

"JENNNAAAA!" Alaric and Stefan yelled simultaneously. I couldn't help but only laugh at my aunt's wonderful secret-keeping skills.


By 6pm I was ready and was out in the woods with Stefan. The dress was so smooth against my skin. I wasn't gonna change into another dress anytime soon. I just wanted to take some pictures and then meet Klaus. Elena and the others didn't turn up the whole of afternoon and even now. I gave up waiting to spend time with them, regardless of the cake and stuffs but they were busy with God knows what.

"Are you sure, you wanna take pictures here?" Stefan asked as I was making my gown fluffy and removed the jacket for the picture.

"Yup." With that I posed for a couple of photos and then we took few selfies before we were rudely interrupted by a group of people whose arrival were unheard by Stefan, the vampire.

"How are you doing, little human." Came a voice from behind us. The voice was creepy, yet I turned around.

Oh no! No no no no.... I immediately knew something bad was gonna take place and held Stefan's hand.

But why? It was my birthday for heaven's sake.

It was the Volturi.


A/N: I'm so sorry for being a jerk. I promise that I'll finish this story in few days.

Pic- the dress sent by Klaus 😏

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