Chapter Four

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 "You are so crushing." Cassidy said pointing directly at me trying not to laugh. Then my phone went off.

 From: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)   

 Argh. My damn neighbors in this stupid hotel are fighting. I can’t hear my fucking TV… they WON’T shut up!! What are you up to? I am really bored.

To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 Haha. Sounds like you are having fun. I am in my tiny apartment drinking beer with Cassidy and debating whether or not we should watch Star Trek or Pitch perfect. What do you choose?? By the way you could always come and hang out with a two Star Trek nerds. :P

 I clicked send.

 “WE SHOULD WATCH THE STAR TREK NEXT GENERATION ON NETFLIX!” Cassidy pretty much yelled in my ear.

 “Yes we should!” I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. My phone went off again.

     From: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk) 

 You know who I am of course I would hang out with a couple of trekies! My neighbors are STILL fighting. Apparently the man forgot to bring the suitcase and he believes it is the woman’s fault. Apparently he is a fucking asshole and she is a bitchy whore. Can I come over? I will bring donuts and coffee!!! 

    To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

SOLD!!!!!!!!!! Come to 123 45th street and bring me my coffee and donuts! Don’t forget! Cassidy is here too!

“Cassidy are you ready for the best night ever?” I asked.

  “Hell yes” she yelled.

 We pressed play on Netflix and Star Trek began. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened the door. Chris was standing there.

 "Delivery!” he yelled.

 “Cassidy! Pine is here and he brought coffee and donuts!” I yelled. “By the way you can come in.” I said grabbing one of the two of the three coffees and the bag of donuts. I ran back into the living room. I gave Cassidy her coffee and put the bag of donuts in between us.

 “Hey! Are you coming in or not?” I yelled.

 “Ya I’m on my way!” he yelled back. I sat back and leaned against the couch and pressed play again. Chris came and sat beside me.  

 “Really? After watching two star Trek movies you are now watching the next generations now? Wow you are more of a trekie than I thought.” He said laughing. Cassidy leaned towards me.

 “How does he know where we live?” she whispered.

 “I was texting him and asked him if he wanted to come over.” I said.

 “Oh” she said laughing. I am wide awake now. Probably the coffee. I leaned up against Chris’s shoulder.

 “Well this is one thing that I never expected.” I said.

 “What?” Chris pine asked.

 “Well I never expected to be sitting on the floor watching Star Trek with Chris pine.” I said laughing.

 “Well it is kind of ironic.” He said grabbing a donut from the bag. I leaned forward grabbing a donut and then leaning back onto Chris’s shoulder.

 “Why are you hanging out with two losers and not a club partying hard?” I asked him.

 “First of all you guys aren’t losers and second of all I don’t go out clubbing much because there are always whores there and they try to hit on me. It gets so annoying!” he said.

 “Ya I understand that.” I said. I looked at Cassidy to see that she has fallen asleep.

 “Fuck, this floor is so uncomfortable.” Chris said.

 “Ya it is.” I said. We both stood up. I went to go throw out the empty donut bag and my empty coffee cup. I came back and Chris was sitting on the couch. I went and sat on the other side of the couch.

 “What? Do I smell?” he said laughing.

 “Haha.” I said in a mocking tone. I went and leaned against him.

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