Chapter Six

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(I'm skipping lots of parts of their lives so that I can wrap up the book- Debbyleaann)

I sat in the hospital bed after eighteen hours of labor finally our baby boy has entered the world. I held him in my arms and Jim laid asleep in his chair. We named him Michael, Michael James Kirk. I think it's a very nice name. He's so tiny, he was sleeping and I couldn't help but stare at him. My eyes were getting heavy. 

"Jim." I whispered stirring him from his peaceful sleep.

"Yes love?" He questioned.

"I'm tired, can you hold Michael?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He said standing up quicker than I'd ever seen before. I passed him Michael and rolled onto my side facing them. 

Jim sat back in his chair and he rocked back and forth. He smiled the same smile when I woke up, the first time. He's going to make an amazing father. This child will have an amazing life full of adventure and travels. 

I closed my eyes and fell into a dream-filled sleep.

I stood in the observation lounge, watching stars streak by, Jim cam and stood beside me. "James, it's unbelievable everything that is happening in this world right under everyone's noses. We are traveling to far off planets, meeting other species, and no one knows about it. There are aliens living on earth, hell, this is not what I expected." I sighed grasping my sweater closer to my body.

"Millions of planets, billions and billions of people, and we've only taken in a slice of that pie. We are still exploring our own world. Imagine the damage that would be created if we shared this information with them."

I woke up, Jim sat in the chair, he was watching me sleep. 

"I found some very peculiar information." Spock said coming into the hospital room. "I was doing some research and since the academy is still being built in principle they are only letting people in who have alien ancestors." 

"They let Jim and I in." I said confused.

"Yes, that's the point they let you in." He said.

"That would explain, my dad, he's supposed to be dead, maybe he came here, mated, then left." I replied. 

"You're taking this remarkable well," Spock said.

"I've lived among aliens for the past four years. I don't have an issue with it. There is no difference between that or saying that my dad was french." I replied.

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