Chapter Four

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I woke up still sweating. The fever was slowly killing either me and or the baby.

"Bones!" I called out my voice was cracking and barely audible.

"Hey Debby, I'm here. How are you feeling?" He replied. The med bay was so dark I couldn't see where he was.

"Bones, I feel awful, where's Jim?" I asked.

"He's on the bridge. We're kind of stuck in a wormhole but we are working in getting it fixed." He replied. I nodded and rolled onto my side.

"Bones, as soon as we are safe get Jim down here." I demanded. Just as I said that the doors slid open letting in a little bit of light.

"Hey Love." Jim said stroking my hair.

"I miss my simple life." I sighed.

"Simple?" Bones laughed. "This is pretty simple isn't it?" He asked sarcastically.

"Bones, can I talk to Jim alone?" I asked. Without saying anything he stood up and left. "Jim, when we get back to earth, do you think that I can stay until after the baby's born."

"We can probably arrange something." He said sliding into the hospital bed with me he put in arm under my head and another around my waist, the palm of his hand resting on my stomach.

"Hey, Debby, your out of the danger zone for now, try getting some sleep." Bones yelled from his office.

My eyelids grew heavy and I fell into another dreamless sleep.

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