Chapter Two

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Jim and Spock are now on their way to the Romulan ship. Sulu is in charge now and he was beginning to panic.

"If you have the tactical advantage you shoot on that ship. It doesn't matter if we are still inside. You shoot!" Jim's orders still racking our brains.

"Security Officer to medical quarters. Not emergency, just a request." I heard Bones voice on the com.

"Sir, permission to leave post." I asked Sulu.

"Permission granted, and Debby, welcome back." He replied smiling.

"It's good to be back sir!" I smiled rushing of the bridge, running my way to medical.

"Bones what is it?" I asked as I entered his office.

"I need help, out last hit took out some of the nurses." He said running around.

"Can you bandage people on in bed numbers three through nine?" He asked.

"Sure, once they are bandaged?" I asked.

"If they are not bleeding through send them to their quarters. If they are I'll have to give the stitches." He replied rushing around.

I started at bed three.

"Name and rank." I asked making sure she didn't have brain damage.

"Amelia Song, third year cadet." She replied. I nodded and began tapping her head. She didn't bleed through so I sent her to her quarters.

I finished with the rest only needing to keep one person for stitches.

"Security officer to bridge." I heard on the com.

"Bones you good?" I asked.

"Yes go ahead!" he yelled from his office.

I ran to the bridge to meet everyone in a rush.

"Arm weapons. We have tactical advantage." Sulu said. I took in a gulp of air and nodded.

"Yes sit." I replied running my fingers along the screen. "Chekov, get to the transporter room, take Scotty. Beam them out as soon as they take for. The drill beam them up." I yelled. "Weapons locked. Ready to fire."

"All right, move us out of the shield." Sulu commanded. As soon as we cleared the covering we began shooting. They took every hit, damaging their vessel greatly.

"Enemy shields at five percent sit. One more hot should take them down." I said arming the torpedo.

"Wait until the drill is down." Sulu said.

"Drill power running out in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one." I said. "Drill is down."

"Fire torpedoes." Sulu said, as we all rushed around.

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