Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes flickered open. My alarms went off and it was almost four a.m. Jim went home to put his stuff in a bag and to have one final sleep in his own house. I heaved my self out of bed and to the shower. I quickly washed my hair. I put my hair up in a high pony tail. The one the Uhura wore in the newer Star Trek movies. I put on a little bit of blush and peach eye shadow. Sometime while I was in the coma they shipped out my uniform. It was a red skirt and a red Jacket. It also had black tall boots with heals. The boots went three quarters the way up my calf. I pulled it out. Surprisingly they had my exact size. Jim must have told them what size. I pulled the skirt on then then I put on the black long sleeve under short then the red jacket. I left the boots of for now. At the bottom of the box was a little metal plate. The com badge. I fastened it onto my jacket then went to the kitchen. In the kitchen Mia, Sam and Cassidy were there.

"I am so jealous!" Cassidy said laughing.

"You look smoken" Sam said winking.

"Thanks darlin' Jim will be here I'm five minutes. At seven o'clock Starfleet will transport us all to the loading bay and from there we will say our farewells. Also before we transport Captain Pike will be stopping here to make sure we were properly dressed before we get there. At no point during his visit are you allowed to sit or speak. You may move around and if so you must do it quietly." I said.

"Okie dokie!" Mia said putting some pop tarts into the toaster. The door bell rang.

"That must be Jim." I said going to the door. I pulled it open to see not only Jim but my mother and father as well.

"Hello Jim!" I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Mother and father please come in. I must brief you." I said ushering the over to the couch.

"Captain Pike will be transporting here in the next thirty minutes. We he gets here you will not be allowed to sit or speak. You are able to move around and if you do so you must be quiet. That will bring the time to five o'clock. At five thirty we will be transporting to the loading bay. We have until seven to eat and have everything loaded. That is where we will say our good byes." I said with authority.

"Yes Cadet Gilbo." My father said. I went and checked my watch 20 minutes till Captain Pike gets here I thought to my self. I heard my mother speaking.

"Well she sure has made this game go on for a while." She said. I walked back into the living room. I heard the whine of a transporter beam. Everyone was standing in the living room now. Chris and I in the front standing at attention and then everyone else standing behind us.

"Sir." Jim and I said at the same time. Captain pike pulled out his notes.

"Deborah L. Gilbo" he said.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Cadet Gilbo." He nodded.

"James T. Kirk." He said.

"Yes sir."

"Nice to see you again Cadet Kirk." He nodded.

"I apologies for being early but Starfleet said that you had some people not respecting you." He said.

"Yes Captain Sir, my parents they believe that this is an illusion." I said standing straighter.

"Mrs. And Mr. Gilbo I regret to inform you that you daughter is telling the truth. She and Cadet Kirk have both been accepted to Starfleet Academy. You will only be allowed to visit them if you smarten up." He turned back to Jim and I.

"Now please gather you friends and belongings and in fifteen minutes use your com badge and tell the transporter to energize. Now I must be leaving." he said. He clicked his com badge.

"Transporter. Energize." Then he was gone. I ran to the table and pulled my boots on and Jim pulled on his shoes. I pulled my stuff to the living room and gathered everyone. I clicked the com badge.

"Transporter Energize." I said. When we went through it was like we were circled by waves. When we materialized we were right at the luggage loading bay. Jim and I put out things onto the trolley.

"Cadet Gilbo. We are truly sorry." My father said.

"Okay" was all I could say.

"I really want to go home." Mom said.

I gave their home address to the transporter chief.

"Good by mother and father... Transporter energize two to new location." I said.

"Now lets go get something to eat." Mia said. We walked on we grabbed our food I saw Spock sitting at a table.

"Follow me" I said. Jim saw where I was heading.

"Commander Spock." Jim and I said.

"Hello Cadet Kirk and Cadet Gilbo." We all sat down. "It is good to see you up and well"

"Thank you sir." I replied. "Now on a less profetional level thank you for coming to the hospital." I said quietly. 

"It was no problem. My best friends girlfriend woke up from a coma after two months, of course I am  going to come to the hospital." he said.

"still, thank you." i said.

"You're welcome." He replied.

"Commander this is Mia, Sam and Cassidy. They are not in Star Fleet. They are just saying good bye." I said. 

"Nice to meet you." he said, then an alarm sounded.

"Guys you have to go." i said. 

"Why?" they asked. 

"We have to get to starfleet accademy." i said. 

"Okay bye."  jim and i gave each of them a hug.

"Tansporter. Three to beam home at my location." i said. 

Then they were all gone. 

"Jim I know what i am gonna do. I am taking the Command root." i said. 

"I figured out last night so i am taking command too." he said. 

"Time to get loaded onto the vessels." Commander Spock said. 

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