Chapter Three

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"I can't believe that both movies are over.” I said yawning. It was getting late. I went to take off Chris Pines sweater but he shook his head.

 “Keep it.” he said.

 “Are you sure?” I asked.

 "Yes.” He said. As he shook my hand he passed me a piece of paper. “It was nice to meet you.” He said winking and walking away.

 “It was nice to meet you as well.” I said. When he walked away I opened the piece of paper.

               It was really nice to meet you. Text me sometime 1-234-567-8910


 I smiled looked to Cassidy.

  “Cassidy read this.” I said still with the stupid smile on my face. She read it and almost screamed.

 “Bee do you know what this means? You get to text the hottest man alive.” She said.  We raced out to the vehicle.

  “Do you want to stay for a couple of drinks?” I asked as we pull into my drive way.

 “Sure.” She said turning off the engine. Before we got out of the car I pulled out my phone.

          To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 Hey, this is Debby that was not cheesy at all. :P note the sarcasm

  I put my phone back in my bag and got out of the car.

 “You can wear some of my pajamas.” I said.

 When we got into the house we ran to my room. For me I pulled out a pair of baggy pants with star trek symbols and a tight sweat shirt that say keep calm and Klingon. For Cassidy I pulled out a pair of sweats and a tank top. We changed and went down stairs. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone. I got a text from Chris.

          From: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 Haha. I Know. :P it was just an easy way to get you to text me. I am in town for another week or so and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner or coffee.

 I replied

       To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 Sure just text me to time and place.

 I put my phone into my pocket and grabbed two beers from the fridge. My roommate must have gone over to her boyfriends because she is not here. I walked into the living room and Cassidy was sitting in the middle of the floor. She had a huge smile plastered on her face.

  "What?" I asked. She laughed and showed me a picture on twitter. The picture was Chris Pine with his arm around me. The damn paparazzi.

 "Fucking hell." I said. I handed her one of the beers and pulling out my phone.

      To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

  Fucking paparazzi. They took pictures and now they are all over the internet.

       From: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 I know I saw, I’m sorry I can’t do anything about it. Everyone thinks we are dating now. Sorry. :(

      To: Chris Pine (Captain Kirk)

 It is okay. It is more surprising than anything else, Please forgive me. I did not mean to seem rude.

 "Who are you texting?" Cassidy asked.

 "Chris Pine." I said smiling.

 "Awe! Someone is crushing hardcore!" She said laughing.

  "Pfft. No!" I said feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.

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