Chapter One

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"Jim." I said sitting up in my hospital bed. The smile that spread across his face made me feel almost ten times better.

"Debby." He said sitting on the edge of my bed. Many times I've heard people say that one smile can make a persons day better but the smile that Jim had on his face made me fall in love with him all over again. You could never explain it.

"You're crying!" I exclaimed wiping the tears off his cheeks.

"I'm crying because I have never been this happy before." He smiled.

"Okay people! Break it up! I want you all to to bring your focus to me. I need you!' Bones said pointing to Jim "I need you to get your ass back to the bridge and figure out what the hell we are going to do, and you!" He added pointing to me. "I need you to get better." He said running off. 

"I don't want to leave you!" Jim said grabbing my hand.

"I will be here when you get back. It's not like I can get up and walk home." I laughed kissing him on the cheek. 

"I won't be long." He smiled and raced out of the medbay.

"Bones!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" I came running in. 

"I'm going to need you to help me to my quarters." I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed. 

"I would strongly advise not doing that." He said running over to me. 

"I am the ranking security officer and I'll be damned if I let this ship go down without me doing everything in my power to stop it." I snapped standing up. I looked down and realized that my stomach is slightly larger. "I'm gonna need a new uniform." I sighed getting onto my feet. At first I used Bones to keep my up but slowly I made my way to the door, I laughed realizing that I was in my Star Trek pyjamas. At least my quarters are too far away. Captain Pike had me moved, on the request of Jim, to the same floor of the medbay.

"Here's the new uniform, they even have the right rank put on them." Bones said running up beside me. I was able to walk normal speed, my legs began working as if nothing has happened. 

"Thanks Bones." I said turning into my quarters and the door shut behind me.

I sat on the edge of my bed and slowly put all of my clothing on. 

Finally when I got to the boots I grab the pair that I had gotten from Uhura on my birthday a few years ago. Ones that didn't have heels. They are much more comfortable.

I left my room and made my way to the bridge. Before I used the computer to see what I had missed while I was in my coma. 

First was that Captain Pike went to the Romulen ship and hasn't returned. Second was that Spock took command of the ship but almost immediately claimed that he was emotionally compromised and stepped down, and last but not least Jim took control of the ship. 

"Wow, I missed a lot." I whispered to myself and i made my way to the bridge. 

Once I got out of the elevator no one had noticed me. 

"Permission to come on bridge." I said standing at attention.

"What? What are you doing out of medbay?" Jim asked me.

"Captain, I will tell you as I told Lieutenant Commander Mccoy, I am the ranking security officer and I will be damned if this ship goes down without me." I replied. 

"All right Lieutenant, take place at you station." He said. 

"Yes sir!" I replied walking to my station and relieving the cadet of his duty. 

Everyone looked at me in shock.

"Sir, Sir!" Checov yelled running towards Jim. "I have and idea."

"Wait a minute, how old all you?" Bones asked.

"Seventeen, sir." Checov replied proudly.

"Oh great, seventeen." Bones muttered rolling his eyes.

"Go on cadet."

"If we travel warpspeed and stop in the atmosphere of a planet, say Saturn, then we won't be detectable by the Romulen ship." Checov said. 

"Sulu? Is that possible." Jim asked.

"Yes sir, but it requires extreme maneuverability and accuracy." Sulu replied.

"Well we have to try." Jim replied. "Sulu engage." 

"How are you feeling?" Uhura asked rushing over to me.

"Well, I have felt better but I have also felt worse. These boots came in handy!" I laughed sticking my foot out a little bit. 

"That's because I'm smart!" She laughed. "Also, it is impossible to wear heels everyday. Your feet become so extremely sore." She laughed. Jim nodded to Bones and made his way to me. "I'll talk to you later." Uhura said and walked of. 

"Thanks Nyota!" I said, turning to meet Jim's eyes. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked confused. 

"About as good as I can be." I replied.

"You really should be resting." He said concerned. 

"Like I stated!" I started but he cut me off.

"I know, you'd be damned if this ship went down without you." He sighed. "I just got you back, and I'm afraid that I am going to lose you again." He sighed, grabbing my hand.

"Just kiss her!" Uhura yelled from the other side of the bridge. Then everyone started to chant.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss." 

"You've got to please the crowd." I laughed putting my hand on his shoulder and kissing him.

"Woohoo!" Uhura shouted. 

"You know, Uhura, could you be louder?" I laughed turning back to the controls. I could feel the heat rising to my face.

"Maybe I can!" She yelled a little louder, the bridge bustled into a bunch of people laughing. It felt good to get people of the though of the Romulen ship that we were heading to. 

"Sir, arriving at destination in five minutes!" Sulu tried to yell over top of every ones voices.

"Alright everyone, back to work." Jim said making his way to the command chair. The room went silent. You could hear a pin drop. 

"Sir, I would like to help!" Spock said rushing onto the bridge. 

"Is that wise Spock?" Jim asked standing up.

"My mother was human so that makes Earth the only home I have left." Spock said standing his ground.

"Alright Spock, but I'm going with you." Jim said. I must have missed that part of the plan. 

"I would state regulations but I know you would just ignore it." Spock replied.

"You're damn right Spock." Jim laughed sitting back down.

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