Chapter Eighteen

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^Three years later^

Bones, Jim and I were walking out of the academy main building.

"Have you guys realized that being here is exactly like in the movie? That means the Romulans will attack of it continues to follow the route it is taking." I said.

"Ya. I realized that to. Also I am taking the test again." Jim said.

"What? Now one takes seconds let alone thirds! No one passes that test!" Bones said.

"Bones doesn't it bother you that no one has ever passed the test?" Jim said.

"Jim. No one passes it. I've got enough to do rather than watching you embarrass your self for the third time!" Bones said.

"I've got to go study" Jim said to bones as we walked away.

"Ya. Study my ass." He said. As we walked back to our cabin o felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I yelped.

"What is it?" Jim asked.

"I don't know. Maybe cramps." I said. We got into our cabin and I went straight to the bathroom. I opened my hygiene bag and took out the tums. They help more than anything else for me. I wet a cloth and sat on the floor. I placed it on my forehead. I grabbed my phone. I had a alert. Cassidy's birthday is in 10 days. Jim and I have talk to captain pike and he agreed to let her come out for a week. Her birthday is on the 30th. The. Something hit me. I am one week late for my period.

"Jim!" I yelled through the door. He burst in.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I burst into tears. He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I-I-I am one week late!" I said freaking out.

"What do you mean late?" He asked confused.

"You know. Late.. My period." I said. Then Jim's face went white. As if he had seen a ghost. I clicked my combadge.

"Bones." I said.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Come to my cabin bring a first aid kit. Don't tell anyone. I will inform you what is going on once you get here." I said holding back tears." Alright on my way. It will take him a minute or two to get here."

"Bee?" He said.

"Yes. I'm here." I said.

"If you are pregnant. We are going to raise this child. We are aloud family's on star ships and we can work on the same vessel." He said.

"I want to keep the child too but we aren't even married. My parents will kill me!" I said.

"We will make it through this." He said. Then we heard the door open.

"Where are you two?" Bones yelled.

"In the bathroom." I replied. He burst in." What's wrong.

"Bones. I-I think I am... Pregnant." I whispered.

"Congratulations you two!" He said. Opening his his medical box and pulling out a scanner.

"Alright. Deb lay on your back so your back is flat to the ground. I did and put my head on Jim's lap. I lifted my shirt up to just under my bosom. Bones the scanner across my stomach then he pulled out the chip and placed it into the screen port. He opened the data and starred at the board for a while.

"You guys. It is true. You are pregnant." Bones said. I started to cry but not tears of sadness. They were tears of joy. I smiled and grabbed Jim's hand.

"In two months we will be able to figure out the gender." Bones said putting all of the things back into the case. I sat up and pulled my shirt down. We all went into the main part of the cabin.

"I've got to go guys but congratulations!" Bones said.

"Thanks. And thank you so much for coming and helping us." I said.

"No problem." He said closing our door.

I went and sat on the bed and Jim came and sat behind me and placed a hand on my stomach.

"You are going to make the best mother in the world!" He said.

"And you are going to make the best father." I told him. We laid down and turned on the next generations until we fell asleep in each others arms.


I woke up with a wave of nausea. I ran to the bathroom. I got there just in time to throw up.

"Are you alright?" Jim asked.

"Yes. Just nausea, can you get me a glass of water?" I asked. Of course. He said. I got cleaned up and changed into my cadet uniform. We better get going before we are late for the meeting. It's a good thing I woke up then or we would have missed it.

I closed the door and Jim wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You are carrying my child. I want to make sure you don't fall." He said.

"Jim. You are adorable." I said.


We got to the meeting just before it started.

"Where were you two?" Uhura asked.

"Long story. I will tell you at dinner!" I said.

The meeting was 2 full hours of boringness. We talked about a attack on a Klingon fleet at 18 hundred hours last night.


After the meeting. Commander Spock, Uhura, Bones and I all walked to the cafeteria. Everyone was looking at us weird because they never see a commander hanging out with the cadets. We all got our food and say down at a table.

"You guys Jim and I have an announcement. Bones you already know." I said.

"Well what is it?" Uhura asked.

"Well... I am.... Pregnant." I said.

"Wow. Congratulations you two!" Uhura said.

"Yes congratulations!." Spock said.

"How far along are you. Actually we dot know." I said. Then bones pipes up.

"On your scan it says 3 weeks and 6 days." He said.

"How long have you know?" He asked.

"I found out today." I replied.

"Well later tonight Bones, Spock and Jim should go to the bar and we are gonna stay at your cabin and talk birthing plans." She said.

"Alright. I said laughing. We all gobbled down our food.

"Commander, may I speak to you alone?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course." I grabbed my garbage when we got up.

"What is it cadet?" He asked. I burst out into tears. "What is wrong?" He said with concern in his voice.

"I have no idea what I am doing." I said. "I'm freaking out! Will this be the end of my career in Starfleet?" I asked.

"No, this will not be the end. You will just have to be careful. You and Jim will always be posted to the same starship." He said.

"I know but I am still afraid." He pulled me into his chest.

"Jim will always love you and I will always be your friend." He said. I stepped back and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Thank you commander." I said. We walked back to the table.

"Oh and by the way cadet. I have granted your friends and parents a trip to the academy. They will be here tomorrow." Spock said.

"Thanks Commander." I said. We got back to the table.

"Debby you come with me. The boys are going to go to the bar." She said pulling me away from the table.

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