Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Does anybody know how do we get back to our own time?" Hugo surprised everyone while they were eating breakfast.

Fred II stopped mid-bite and shrugged "No, James?"

"Me?" James said sounding surprised "Of course I don't, Louis?"

"My idea's as good as yours cousin" Louis said, chuckling "Which is, nothing"

"I've no idea either" Lily said as Hugo looked at her "How 'bout you Luce?"

"No idea" Lucy said shaking her head.

"Don't worry, Rose and Molly might know something" Dominique said.

"Know something about what?" said Molly II from behind Dominique as she, Rose and Albus joined their cousins for breakfast.

"How do we get back to our time" Lily said.

"Professor Dumbledore mentioned about the Time Portal" Albus said "Though I don't have any idea about it"

"Me neither" Rose sighed.

James choked on his pumpkin juice "You don't know anything about the time portal?" he choked.

"No" Rose said "I tried asking Mum, but she said she hadn't heard about it"

"But I thought she knows about it, wasn't she was the one who explained it to you last summer?" Fred II said.

Rose rolled her eyes "I'm talking about the teenage mum, dummy"

"How about you Moll?" Lucy asked her elder sister.

"Nothing" Molly II said.

"We're doomed" Fred II said.

"What's up?" Roxanne asked as she took a seat beside her twin.

"Time Portal" Fred II grunted.

"Oh that" Roxanne said nonchalantly.

Her cousins look at her with a surprised look.

"Know anything about it?" Albus asked.

"No" Roxanne said "But I thought either Molly or Rose might know about it"

"The thing is, Molly and Rose don't know anything about it" Louis put in.

"What?" Roxanne said putting her fork down a little loudly "We're doomed"

"That's what Fred said" Lily said.

"What did I say?" said Fred from behind Lily.

Lily jumped "Merlin's beard Uncle Fred" she said.

"Better not let your mum hear that Lilykins, we both might be in trouble" Fred said.

"So what's the issue?" George said squeezing between his son and daughter.

"The time portal" Roxanne said digging in on her porridge.

"The what?" Fred asked.

"Time portal, Dumbledore said it's the only means for us to go back in our time" Lucy answered.

"Well, don't be asking us, we don't know" George said helping himself to Roxanne's toast.

"We gather that much Uncle" James said sniggering.

Fred and George sniffed as if feigning insult.

"But me and James wanted to speak with you" Fred II said looking up at his father.

"What about?" George asked.

"Well, we wanted to consult you about some business of ours" James said.

OH NO JAMES, YOU DIDN'T (Harry Potter Next Generation Time Travel Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now