Four: group chat

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Ashton: Guys. Listen up.

Calum: What?

Luke: ^^

Michael ^^

Ashton: So I followed this girl on Twitter, and we started talking. Her name is Livy.

Michael: She a groupie??

Ashton: Sort of? It's hard to explain.

Calum: She hot?

Ashton: Yeah, I suppose you could say she's kinda hot. She's nice too. And smart.

Calum: Ohhhhh, Ash has got the hots for a groupie!

Luke: Don't fall for it Ash, I bet she's only looking for a sugar daddy.

Ashton: Luke what the fuck. No, I don't have the hots for her! But she does want to hook up.

Calum: I can't judge until I see a picture.

*attachment: one image*

Calum: Holy shit.

Michael: Damn boy, maybe I should follow spree more often.

Ashton: I'm not hooking up with her.

Luke: Ashton what the hell? How could you not??

Ashton: I told you all last week, I'm over that lifestyle.

Calum: You're such a pussy. Can we get more details on her?

Ashton: Sure, I screenshotted the chat.

Michael: You're such a girl Ashton.

*attachment: one image*

Michael: She likes Metallica? I think I'm hard.

Luke: And The Misfits, damn. Ashton are you at least going to meet her? Is she coming to our show?

Ashton: Yeah, the one in LA. And I don't know if I'm going to meet her.

Calum: It'd be a crime if you didn't. She's sexy as fuck.

Ashton: She's really sexual though. She always does these winking faces when we text, and she's always trying to make me hard.

Michael: Oh, I get it. You guys are like internet fuck-buddies!

Ashton: No! I don't want to hook up with her. We have a deal. If I can convince her that being a groupie is bad, I get to unfollow and block her on everything. And if she wins, and proves groupies are important and beneficial, I'll hook up with her.

Calum: This is getting too complicated, imma go make a toastie.

*Calum left the chat*

Michael: I think it's a banging plan mate. You pretend to lose the bet so you get sex!

Ashton: I don't want to have sex with her! From now one, I'm only having sex with a woman I love. And I don't love her, as rude as it sounds. She's pretty, but not really my type.

Luke: Damn.

Michael: That's what they all say.

Luke: I can't wait to see this all go down.

[I hope you're enjoying guys, don't forget to comment and vote!]

Anti-Groupie // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now