Twenty three: wrong way

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"Ashton?" I squeaked, looking up.

There he was. Right in front of me, his beautiful hair was down in a sweaty curtain on one side of his face, his jaw slightly stubbly and his eyes the bright hazel I had seen in so many pictures before.

"Livy!" He said in surprise and relief, quickly pulling me into his chest. "Oh my god."

I'll admit it- I cried into his shirt, my arms wound tightly around his back.

"I waited so long for this," he admitted, pulling me back and gazing at my face. "And holy shit you're beautiful."

I suddenly felt self conscious. Ashton was so beautiful and I had to wear makeup to get even close to being on his level.

His eyes darted around. "Let's go somewhere private."

He opened a door and lead me inside, and I turned on the light.

"A utility closet?" I laughed.

"I don't want the boys to know you're here yet, okay?" He smiled, looking down at me. It was then I noticed that his hands had not yet left my waist.

"I've waited over a month for this," Ashton grinned, pressing his lips to mine.

I opened my mouth hesitantly, my arms snaking down his back and towards the hem of his loose black tank top.

His tongue grazed my top lip and I sighed into his mouth as our lips moved together, our bodies pressed flush against each other in the tiny backstage utility closet.

And fuck, I wanted him so bad. So I let my hands play with the hem on his tank top, lifting it up inch by inch, until it was halfway up his stomach before he broke the kiss.

"Livy, stop," He said, taking his hands off my back.

"But Ashton, I thought-" I started to speak, trying not to let a lump in my throat form.

"That's not what I wanted tonight!" He cried. "I wanted to see you, is that so bad?"

"Kissing me doesn't exactly help, Ashton!" I fired back, confused by his change of attitude.

He squeezed his temples with the palm of his hands. "Fuck, I knew I would mess this up."

And then he was gone, ripping open the door of the closet and storming out down the hallway, letting it slam shut behind him.

So I sat down and cried, my back pressed against the door and my head in my hands.

Good thing I had waterproof mascara and eyeliner or this would've been a nightmare.

Not that it already wasn't, I mean my favourite band member ever just led me on and then told me he didn't want me, which is fun.

I was in the closet crying for about five minutes before I felt somebody trying to open the door.

I got to my feet quickly, wiping my eyes and trying not to look completely crazy.

"Hello? Who's in here- Livy?" A flaming red head popped in the doorway and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Michael!" I said, hugging his chest and sobbing into his shirt.

"Woah, woah, what's going on?" He said, hesitantly rubbing my back. "I didn't even know you were here!"

I unattached myself from him and wiped my eyes for the second time.

"Ashton kissed me and then said he didn't want me," I sniffed.

Michael's face fell. "Are you serious? That asshole."

"Ugh," I grumbled, "I fucked this entire thing up."

Michael tilted my chin up. "Hey hey hey, no you didn't! It's not your fault he doesn't want somebody like you."

Maybe it was what he said. Maybe it was because I was running high on adrenaline and emotions, and maybe the tiny voice in my head kept telling me to do it, but I grabbed Michael's wrist desperately, pulling his face towards mine.

"Kiss me Michael."

Anti-Groupie // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now