Twenty: bathroom encounter

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"Are you Livy-?" Luke hissed, sneaking over. "Oh my god. Ashton is going to-"

"Not see me," I said, cutting him off. I was starstruck, anxious, and excited all at the same time.

"He's taking a piss right now but he'll be out soon," Luke said, biting his lip. "If you really don't want to see him then I'd hide."

"Please don't tell him anything," I begged, turning to run into the girls bathroom, which was across the hall from the boys.

"Wait!" Luke cried, waving his hand.

I stopped in my tracks. "What?"

"It was nice finally meeting you," he smiled, and I could tell it was friendly and genuine.

I returned it. "Nice finally meeting you, Luke. Big fan."

And I swore once I pushed past the door, I heard a strong Aussie accent call to Luke.

Tears swam in my eyes and I bit my lip to keep them from flowing.

Right outside the door was the boy I had been talking to for over a month. I knew so much about him and I hadn't even seen him in person.

My breathing increased and my chest felt tight.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Livy? What are you doing in here?"

Lennie, my pretty cocoa-skinned coworker with a lilac bob cut pulled me to my feet. I hadn't even realise I was sitting on the ground.

"Hey! Liv, are you okay? Stand up."

I stood up on shaky legs. "Are they gone yet?"

"The blonde guys? Aren't they from 5sos? The tall one asked quietly if you were okay and the other one with the scruff didn't seem to hear him."

I let out a long breath through my nose and leaned on the shiny white sink.

"Lennie I've been trying to convince the scruff guy to hook up with me for over a month now."

"Like.... On Twitter?"

"Well, it started out like that because he DMed me, and then I got his number and then we talked and flirted and oh my god I can't believe he's outside Lennie holy shit."

"What are you wait for?" She gave me a light shove towards the door. "Go talk to him!"

"We actually planned to meet after the concert for the first time, that's why I panicked."

"Oh shit. Wait- I hear footsteps," Lennie pressed her ear to the bathroom door, her black framed glasses askew.

"Look out the door," I whispered, pushing her towards it, regarding our childish, but necessary behaviour.

She poked her head out. "Shit, the tall blonde one is coming!"

"Close the door!" I hissed.

"I can see you and hear you," Luke said, leaning up against the door. "Ash isn't here, he's distracted by a painting."

I cracked the door to let him in. "H-hi Luke."

He smiled. "Hi Livy. Man, Ash can't stop raving about you. It's annoying, no offence."

"None taken," I smiled, still highly starstruck.

"I'm going to go back to the lobby," Lennie smiled, getting to her feet. "If I see that Ash guy I guess I'll make sure he doesn't come near the girls bathroom? I don't know."

She slipped out the door, leaving me and Luke alone in the ladies room.

"How's LA?" I asked nervously.

He scratched the back of his head with a nervous hand, and I couldn't help but stare, because I just couldn't believe the fact that one of the boys I loved most was right outside the door and his bandmate in front of me.

"LA is good like always, but I've had a lot of things going on personally."

He adjusted his sunglasses and scratched his chin.

"You look uncomfortable," I observed.

He shrugged. "I'm fine."

Suddenly his phone buzzed and he let out a sigh of relief, answering it.

"What's up? I'll be there soon, I promise. Okay."

He mumbled some more words into his phone, the only ones I could catch being "love you" and "all American."

"Girlfriend?" I asked lightly.

He forced a laugh. "Yeah, something like that. You won't mention it?"

I gave him what I hoped was a friendly smile. "No, I'm not the exposing type."

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a text.

Ashton: Hey Liv, I'm in this really cool museum right now, wish you were here to check it out with me :(

"Is that Ashton?" Luke chuckled. "The guy loves you."

"What?" I stared at Luke, my eyes popping and my mouth opened in an "o."

Luke's expression mirrored mine and he reached behind him for the door handle. "I think I here Ashton calling me. I'll message you via DM and let you know when it's safe, okay? I'll see you tonight Livy."

His words were rushed, and he fled the bathroom leaving me in a confused silence.

Luke: It's safe. Guess who Ashton is talking about?

Luke: I bet you thought it was you, but he was really talking about cantaloupe.

Luke: Wait, now he's talking about you.

I laughed and sent Luke a "thanks," exiting the bathroom in what I hoped was a stealthy manner.

But with my luck, I ran into my boss, Carolyn.

"Hi Carolyn," I said nervously.

"Livy, where have you been for the past twenty minutes? Tour groups have been wandering around aimlessly without you."

I glanced up at her stern expression and put on my best pathetic voice possible.

"I haven't been feeling too well Carolyn, I'm sorry. I- I should have told you."

Her face softened and she placed a manicured claw on my shoulder. "Why didn't you say so? Go home and get some rest. I'll call Bradley and have him cover for you."

I gave her my most convincing weak smile and grabbed my purse from behind the desk. "Thank you Carolyn, I'll be in when I feel better."

And with that, I fled the museum and rushed back to my apartment, thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Anti-Groupie // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now