Twenty one: preporation

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[Picture is Livy's outfit for the concert!!]

I dialled Jules as soon as I unlocked the apartment, throwing my stuff down and rushing inside. I checked the time. 4:30. Half an hour until Jules came home, and about three hours until the concert started.

I waited patiently on the couch for Jules to get home, eating a cold box of takeout rice.

I sent a text to Ashton.

Livy: Three more hours ;)

Ashton: Is that wink face Livy I spy?

Livy: It is ;) did you miss me?

Ashton: Lol, I'm shocked to say I have. Oh, and Luke's been acting funny ever since we got back from that museum, but the other boys are eager to see you.

Livy: Haha weird? Like how?

Ashton: He's been kind of quiet and not talking to anyone except.... well he hasn't been talking to anyone but he keeps staring at me.

Livy: That's what you get for looking at crazy ass art all day :)

Ashton: You know I was confused when you told me you were a tour guide in a museum, because you should have your own gallery because you're a piece of art yourself :)

Livy: Badly executed but fuck, I'm such a slut for cheesy pickup lines.

Ashton: You're not a slut Livy....

Livy: True, but I am a groupie ;)

Ashton: A groupie? Or my groupie?

Livy: Your groupie :)

Ashton: Tell me you're mine ;)

Livy: Why? In a few hours I could show you ;))

Ashton: Oh fuck.

Ashton: Can I admit something to you?

Livy: Yes lol of course.

Ashton: .....I'm masturbating.

Livy: wOW, um, okay.

Ashton: Sorry.

Livy: dON'T even apologize, I'm all for it. What's turning you on? Michael's new hair color? Calum's asscheeks?

Ashton: Only you, princess ;)

Livy: I am REALLY enjoying where this is going. Not going to lie :)

Ashton: You're so hot babe.

Livy: Finish your wank in peace, I'm going to get ready ;)

Ashton: Fuck, okay I'll talk to you later Livy <3

I flopped onto the couch, clutching my phone and giggling like a pre-teen who had just texted her crush for the first time. (Which was partly true, only I was twenty and my crush was in a famous band).

That's how Jules found me half an hour later, still smiling and reading the messages over and over again.

Tell me you're mine ;)

Fuck, how did I even get somebody like Ashton? I mean, I wasn't unattractive, but I certainly didn't exceed expectations. I was averagely attractive, with average honey blonde hair and dark blue eyes. A small amount of freckles were scattered across my nose and I was extremely clumsy. (Except when it came to flirting. That's when my expertise kicked in).

"Oh my FUCKING god!" Jules squealed, jumping on top of me when she read the texts. "You're totally getting laid tonight! I can't even."

"Don't jinx it," I grinned, hopping off the couch and running to my extremely cluttered closet.

My stomach was filled with butterflies, as I threw clothes around, trying to find an outfit.

"Jules, help me with this? I said, desperately digging through my hamper to find something.

"What look are you aiming for?" Jules asked, a hand on her chin.

"Cute, not too like- you know, 'provocative' and I don't want to look like a try hard but at the same time I want to get laid."

"That's a tall order," she laughed, going through my clothes, finally digging out an outfit which I thought was pretty concert compatible.

"Screw Ashton, date me," Jules laughed when I showed her the outfit.

I laughed. "The funny thing is, I am trying to screw Ashton."

She laughed and started on my makeup, which was just a wing of black eyeliner, bb cream and mascara. Light nude lipstick finished off the look.

Shit, I was radiating confidence. I was so prepared for this moment that I even bought a matching bra and panties set.

For my hair, I left it simply wavy.

"You're ready!" Jules said, clapping her hands.

"How do I look?" I asked, looking down at my concert outfit.

"Gorgeous," she said. "And if I were Ashton's dick and I saw you, I'd definitely get hard."

I laughed and hugged her while she told me good luck, and grabbed my purse, but not before taking a mirror selfie and texting it to Ash.

*attachment: one image*

Livy: How do I look? ;)

Ashton: Fucking stunning babe, wow.

Livy: I'll see you after the show! I'm getting in my car now.

Ashton: I can't wait Livy <3

[Are you excited for them to meet?? I am :) Next chapter there's a surprise that some of you guys might get ;) I hope you like it!]

Anti-Groupie // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now