Seventeen: closer

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Livy: Hey Ashton :)

Ashton: Yeah Liv? :)

Livy: You're two states away from me right now!

Ashton: Ahhh, I know! Only three days until your show.

Livy: I actually might die.

Ashton: Please don't, I need you.

Livy: I'll try I promise :)

Ashton: Where are you sitting again?

Livy: Front row baby ;) on Cal's side.

Ashton: So I'll see you??

Livy: Hopefully! Where are we meeting after the show, Mr. Irwin?

Ashton: I can tell the security guard myself to let you backstage, we can meet up there.

Livy: Fuck I'm so excited I can hardly breathe.

Ashton: Breathe, princess, breathe. Everything will go perfectly :)

Livy: How do you do that?

Ashton: Do what?

Livy: Manage to make me feel better every time I'm anxious?

Ashton: I'm honestly not sure. Maybe it's because I always know what you want to hear?

Livy: Hey Ash.

Ashton: Yes my love?

Ashton: Yes my *Livy* haha damn autocorrect.

Livy: I've got an argument for the sake of it.

Ashton: Oh great, let's hear this :)

Livy: Do you realize how controlled groupies are?

Ashton: No. That's why I found it weird when you said that we were hooking up with "groupie fans." Like, wouldn't the fans be screaming if they got in our pants?

Livy: Ashton sweetie, listen to me. If two fans approached you, both of them about the same level of attractiveness, But one is crying and fangirling and the other is flirting coolly, who are you most likely to pick?

Ashton: The second one....

Livy: Ex-actly. That's why fans don't freak out when they meet you guys.

Ashton: Wow.... That actually makes a lot more sense than it did before.

Livy: See? You probably have hooked up with fans in the past a lot.

Ashton: Yeah, when I actually was like that....

Livy: Last month.

Ashton: I had an intervention with the boys, and myself. I promised to stop doing these mindless hookups. I was going to stop until I found somebody I could actually be with.

Livy: Have you found them yet?

Ashton: I don't know.

Livy: Well I hope you find her soon, because you deserve her so much Ashton, with all of the hard work you've been doing and how amazing you've been to us fans, you deserve to be with someone who cares about you as much as you care about us.

Ashton: Fuck, Livy.... That means a lot. You have no idea :)

Livy: Lol just trying to give crappy advice :))

Ashton: Which was actually really good advice.

Ashton: I can't wait to see your pretty face in three days.

Livy: I feel the same way :) you think I'm pretty?

Ashton: Drop-dead gorgeous Livy :)

Livy: I can't wait to hug you oh my god.

Ashton: I'm going to hold you in my arms and never let go.

Livy: I'm fine with that :)

Ashton: Good <3

Anti-Groupie // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now