Twenty two: crowded space

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I bounced up and down in my place against the barrier, trying to rid myself of the butterflies in my stomach.

On my right there was a little girl of about ten named Ali.

"It's my first concert!" She smiled. "Calum's my favourite."

"Ashton is my favourite," I smiled back. "I know him too."

"You guys should go out," she stated. "You have to."

I giggled. "Maybe. That doesn't sound too bad."

On my left was a boy of about seventeen. He had a dark brown quiff and a black tee shirt on. He actually kinda reminded me of Luke.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi! Have I seen you somewhere? Like in a photo? You look familiar."

He grinned. "Maybe, I'm not sure."

It was silent between us for a few moments, until he leaned over and said,

"I'm dating Luke."

I laughed. "Sure, and I'm dating Ashton."

His eyebrows raised. "Are you?"

"No, but we did meet on Twitter."

The boy's smiled was wiped and replaced with a shocked expression. "Did you really? What's your Twitter?"

"LivyThorten95," I smiled.

A weird smirk filled his features, like he knew something about me that I didn't.

"I swear I've seen you in a picture or something," I told him.

The boy grinned, disregarding what I just told him. "It's nice to finally meet you Livy. Ashton talks about you a lot."

Before I could answer him, the lights suddenly went off.

The show was starting.

"FUCK!" I screamed, Ali's mom gave me a dirty look and the boy beside me laughed.

"This your first time seeing 5sos live?" He asked me.

"Surprisingly, yes. I never got around to getting tickets because they're expensive but I saved up," I told him as the countdown started.

And then- holy shit, Ashton was on the drums and I suddenly found myself shaking the boys arm, who tried telling me his name over the noise. Edwin, I think it was?

I found myself screaming and dancing along with the lyrics, it was so inevitable, you just had to when you were at a 5sos concert.

Strange things happened throughout the concert, like when Luke winked in my direction during End Up Here, and then, oh my god....

During the final bow, they gathered at the end of the catwalk, Ashton clutching his drumsticks and fuck, he looked so beautiful in person.

"Ashton!" I called to him, "It's Livy!"

His head turned and he caught my eye and he stumbled right into Michael.

"L-Livy," I could see the words form on his lips and as if in a trance, he handed me his drumsticks, squeezing my hand when they were in my grip as I smiled up at him, trying to keep the tears from flooding my vision.

Luke gave the boy beside me his guitar pick and said something to him, and again, I caught the words "All American."

Ali, the little girl beside me was shrieking at all the band members around her so I handed her one of Ashton's drumsticks and she burst into tears.

I waited until most of the crowd cleared out, I said goodbye to the little girl who was still shocked that I gave her a drumstick.

The boy next to me didn't leave, and I thought maybe he was silently still freaking out that Luke gave him a guitar pick.

Fanboys were so cute.

My phone buzzed with a text that only said one word.

Ashton: Backstage.

I suddenly felt nervous. My palms were clammy and cold and my stomach was ridden with butterflies.

I went up to a headset wearing security guard in black. "Hello?" I said. "I'm supposed to get backstage?"

"Name?" The security guard said, unconvinced because of my anxious appearance.

"Livy Thorten."


I showed him my license and he handed me a red and black backstage pass. "Here you go Ms. Thorten. The 5sos dressing room is down the hall, take a right, go down that hallway and then take a left, and it's the second door on your right.

I thanked the security guard and ran up the stairs and down the hall, all the instructions getting mixed up in my head. Did he say go left and hang a right? No, it was the opposite. Take a right and then go right again?

I found myself stumbling around the narrowish hallway blindly, having no idea where I was going. I turned another corner and bam! Smashed right into someone's chest.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, my head held in embarrassment.


[I hope you liked the surprise if you know what it was! :) and Ashton and Livy are going to meet soon, do you think they're going to hookup? Comment guys!!!]

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