15-You've got to

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It took me a while to calm Riley down. I mean she is still crying but not like she was. I'm hugging her, holding her tight, holding her close, she's clining on to my shirt. I see West walk in, saying that he needs me for the five person dance. I shake my head and mouth to him I'm staying here with Riley. I don't know if he understood or not as he walked away with a confused look on his face, none the less he left. I stood hugging Riley for another ten minutes until I let go of her. 'Riles, whats happened?'

Riley: C...C...Charlie

She gives me her phone so I can read the message. I can't believe him. I wish he would just disappear

~Charlie: You better watch your back. Who do you think you are dumping me. I know where you dance. You better have one eye open at all times.

James: Riley, you have to tell. You've got to.

Riley: I can't he will kill me. I'm dead

James: No! I wouldn't let that happen, not again. I nearly lost you once, I am not loosing you now. But we have to tell Miss Kate

Riley: Okay

I don't know why I agree to tell Miss Kate. I mean, I know James is right. I stand up, tears still falling. James puts his arms out so I hug him, tight. 'James, when can I meet your mum?' I know she would be a big help, unlike my mum.' I feel James tense up, then let go of me. 'Riles, I know I said my parents wernt in as they were away. Well I sorta lied. I didn't want you to worry. Truth is my dad and three sisters were away but my mum. She...she died. We went to her funeral together.'
I search my head. James' speach about me. I remember something about James. My phone goes off again so I open up the message. More tears fall down my cheeks, Janes takes the.phone out of my hand. Teo minutes later he hugs me, tighter than before.

Kate (special)
I'm on my way to the music room as West told me that James was too busy with Riley. When I asked doing what he said he didn't know. So I just want to see how far they have got with their duet. As I enter the music room, I hear Riley's sobs dill the room, with James trying to comfort her. 'Riley, what's wrong?' James lifts his head up at me then lets go of Riley, giving a nod of his head at her. 'This" Riley hands me her phone and I read through all the messages from a boy named Charlie. I get to the latest message. 'You better keeping a look out, I pulled a sicky at school, now I'm coming for you!'

Kate: Oh my god Riley. Who is this Charlie?

I see Riley look at James

James: B troupe Charlie

Kate: What?! Well he will be sorry, Don't worry.

As soon as Charlie comes into this Studio, he is going straight back out. I am not having a dancer here, who threatens other dancers.

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