22-A day alone with you

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I stay there, in his arms tightly wrapped around me. I tried to stop crying but I just can't. It's like I have a waterfall of tears coming out my eyes. I guess everything has just hit me. From when I was ten, from having to move here the first time, getting bullied at school, self harm, attempted suicide. To the accident, running away from trouble. The thing that hits me the most is James. The amount I tore him apart when he first moved schools, the fact he was telling the truth and I didn't believe him. It hurts. All of it. I don't feel like moving, going anywhere. I'm happy sitting here, well sorta happy, with James, I don't want James to go, ever. 'Please never leave me James' I feel his grip loosen, getting out of the hug, but him holding me by my shoulders. 'Riles, I am never ever going to leave you, you are going to be stuck with me for infinity and beyond.' I smile at him as he stands up, taking my hand to help me. 'Now come on Riles, come with me' He puts his hand out so I take it, letting him lead the way

I take Riley on the train back to Toronto, but a different part of Toronto then we live in. I will take her back there, tomorrow. I will let everyone else know she's safe but I've just found her and it would be nice to have a day alone with her. We get off the train and walk an hour to the destination, well I walk half an hour with Riley's hand in mine and the other half with Riley on my back. 'We're here' I help her off my back and lead her through a ten minute walk through the forest. We come out the other side to a log cabin, just pure woods surrounding it. When Jasmin was four, Jessica was nine and I was 15, before my mum passed away, we used to come here at least twice maybe three times a year. It used to be our spot. When my mum passed away my dad gave me the key and told me to take my first love of my life to the cabin, just like mum did with him. I look at Riley, her face stunned. The only word that escape out of her mouth is wow. I open the door of the cabin, pick Riley up bridal style and place her on the bed. I go round the other side and lay next to her.

James: I know you are not ready to face the others yet Riles, but I'm not leaving you on your own any longer so what do you say about staying here for the night?

Riley: I would love to James, it's just perfect, away from reality, away from everyone else, but still with the most important person in my life

James: So I'm the most important person in your life am I?

Riley: Seriously? Of course you are James, you are my first and only love. The feelings for Charlie come no where near as close as the strength of the feelings for you. You are always the most important person in my life. Forever and always.

I stare into Riley's big brown dreamy eyes that draw me in, she staring into mine. I lean foward as does she. Our lips connect. I feel like fireworks are going off around us. We disconnect our lips from one another but I lay there still staring into her beautiful eyes, her cheeks start to go a light pink colour while a smile emerges on her face. 'I love love you James' 'I love you to, my Riles'

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