36-Three months later

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A/N: The picture is the first time my little cousin came out of hospital

Leanna Debra Tordjman is now three months old. It's weird to think that today would have been the day that she world of been born into this world but instead she came three months early. Me and James have been to see Leigh everyday even if it was for thirty minutes. Sometimes we stayed for six hours, in the room with our daughter. I text James saying that I'm ready so he can come and pick me up to go to the hospital. We brought the three bedroom house, converting the third bedroom into a playroom for Leigh. We haven't actually moved in together yet. I still live at home, just like James still does. We both agreed that we will move in with eachother, into our house when Leanna is strong enough to come home.

The three months has felt like three years. Riley has got upset quite a lot over Leigh. So have I but I had to stay strong for Riley. She texts me saying she is ready so I get in my car and drive to her house, picking her up. She gets in the car and kisses me on the lip before putting the seatbelt on. On the way to the hospital I listen to Riley go on about what she wants in life. How she wants to get married. I know when I'm going to propose to Riley. In two years time, when we are at nationals, on the stage in front of everyone. Last time we were at nationals, me and Riley were meant to do a duet but she couldn't go because of everything that went on. As we won internationals we are going back to regionals then nationals. I'm pretty confident that we will get back to Nationals which is why I've plabned to propose to her. We will get married three months after, when Leanna is two and a half so she can walk down the isle as a flowergl girl.

We turn up to the hospital and I grab Riley's hand. Everytime she sees Leanna she starts crying, saying she wants her home. I manage to hold the tears back, staying sttong for Riley.

We make our way to where Leanna is lying.

Riley: *Voice cracks* James, where is she?

James: *Looks around* I...I don't know, she was here and now she has gone. Riles, you don't think?

At this point I break down into tears? Was Leigh not strong enough to fight it has she gone away for good. I heard James cry too. He has held everything back until now. 'Is everything okay?' I hear the midwifes voice and turn around. In her arms is Leanna. I break down into more tears but happy ones this time. 'I don't understand, why is she here?'

Midwife: Because she doesn't need to be. Today would have been the day she was born. She is normal weight and perfectly healthy, you can take her home today.

I run into James arms as he picks me up and spins me around. Our baby girl is finally coming home. The mifwife hands our daughter to James, and we walk to the reception. Janes sits down with Leigh as I go to the car and get her carrier out. We have had her two in one carrier and car seat in the car since I was four months pregnant and finally we get to use it. I come back into the hospital and watch as James puts Leanna into the carrier and straps her up. I take a picture of her in her carrier and post it onto instagram.

'After three months we are finally ALL going home. Welcome to the outside world Leanna. We all love you lots. #familyatlast #home #lovethis girl #princess'

I pick The carrier up and James puts one of his arms around my waste. 'I'm so proud of you Riles'

A/N: Sorry about it messing up.Please comment if you can see this chapter

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