16-The fight

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Kate (special)
A-Troupe have done really well today. I am proud of them all. But now B-Troupe are coming in for rehearsals and I'm waiting for Charlie. I am waiting in studio B, some of the dancers are here already. Five minutes later Charlie came through the door. 'Charlie, with me, now!' I walk out the B studio and go down the corridoor, making sure Charlie is behind me

Charlie: What's up?

Miss Kate: Don't what's up me. I've been told everything.

Charlie: Like what?

Kate: Oh I wonder, the messages that you have sent to Riley

Just then Riley and James walk past, holding hands

Charlie: Oh, so that's why you dumped me, for that Jerk you bitch

James: She is not a bitch, you don't even know her.

Charlie: James, James, poor little James. Your mum must be so proud of you. Not

James: You leave my mum out of it!

Charlie: Why? Poor innocent James, left without his mum. She is probably glad shes deas

Miss Kate: That's enough Charlie! Stop

I try to stop them but it son't work. I decide to go to my office and ring Chris


James: I said leave my mum out of it

Charlie: Or what? Is that how you get all the girls? Tell them your sob story!

Riley: Stop it! Just stop it! I dumped you because you are the jerk, sending me messages. Who do you think you are?! James told me about his mum after I started dating him! I choose James because his unique. He cares about others. He protects me from people like you! I feel safe with him, we have a connection. James is the only boy I want so you can shut your mouth!

James stares at me, smiling. Charlie looks shocked

Charlie:Whatever RI! At least I can remember good stuff, not that tou have any you waste of space

I see Chris walk in. Riley lets go of my hand and runs in the oppisite direction of Charlie

James: You are such a jerk

Chris: Charlie, come with me

I watch as Chris leads Charlie outside. I stand there not knowing what to do. I can't believe all that just happened. He brought up my mum. My dead mum. I feel a tear slide down my cheek, followed by another. I need to find Riley. I go to Studio A and see Riley, sitting on the bench, surrounded by the whole of A-Troupe. I walk closer to them, Riley looks uo at me. She stands up, walks over straight into my arms. The air fills with awws from A-Troupe. More tears fall down my cheeks. Because of my mum, because of Riley. I hear Riley's sniffs. I know she is crying. "*whisper* Let's get out of here' I pull out of the hug, grab Riley's hand and walk out of the Studio. Riley is crying her heart out. I understand why she is crying, but not as much as she is. There is something else that she is not telling me. I need to find it out. Before it rips her apart

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