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Its been three days since I left, since I ran away. James has tried to get hold of me at least three hundred times whether it's by text or rining me. I haven't spoke to him since he rang me three days ago. Since I answered. I've ignored him since. I love him to pieces but I've needed time alone, away from everybody else. I packed my dance bag with clothes before I left and have took three portable chargers with me to charge. I'm still in Canada but I don't know where. Toronto is the only place I know in Canada and I don't even know that well. I've been sleeping here, near the river. It's a beautiful place but not one person seems to come here so I have it to myself. I have loved the time alone. Having nothing to fear. Having no-one to impress. I had to go. When I found out that everyone else knew that I faked it, I had to go. I told James not to tell anyone else, 1)Because no-one else needed to know but mainly because it's not the truth. I couldn't tell James the truth so I lied, I panicked and that's the first thing I thought of. I can't stand seeing James, knowing I lied to him. I can't face the rest of my team, knowing they think I'm a fake. I didn't know what else to do so I ran away from my troubles. Its worked. Slightly. I mean it's got me away from all the trouble and I love being alone, but I hate the feeling of being lonely. Thats how I feel. Not having James' tight arms around me, not having him hear to protect me. I don't feel safe here. James' texts make me miss him even more. Every time he rings me, I want to pick the phone up but I can't. He can't know where I am, he can't know the full reason why I ran. No-one can. They will think I'm weak. James will hate me, never wanting to talk to me again. I hear my phone start to ring, and see James' name, a picture of me and him. I don't bother clicking decline. I just let it ring, while my tears fall down my cheeks.

I ring Riley again. It keeps rining and ringing but no answer. Three days she has been missing and for three days I have been looking. I have covered the whole of Toronto but no sign of her. She could be anywhere in the world. Right now I am back at the studio, dancing a solo. I came back to get my dance bag and it just instantly reminds me of Riley. The music finishes and I dry the single tear that falls down my cheek. I've got to stay strong for Riley. I told the dancers and miss Kate that she is ill as I know Emily is ill and won't be back for a week. I told her parents that she is staying at a friends house from school. I have told myself that she is safe, that she is okay but I don't believe myself. I know she won't be okay. I just need her to pick up the phone, just so I know that she is okay. I grab my bag from my cubby and leave the Studio. Miss Kate is in the music room so I make a quick exit so she don't know I was there. I ring Riley again and again but I just get her voice mail. I know shes not here but I hope, wherever she is she is safe. I want to see her. I want to find her but how? I have no idea where she is. I don't think she even knows where she is. I need Riley back in my arms. Feel alone without her. 'Where are you Riles? Where are you? I need you, I love you' I know she can't hear me but I wish she could. I wish she would answer my texts, answer my calls. I decide to text her.

'Riles, seriously, where are you? I'm worried about you, I just need to know you're okay. I miss you like hell, I need you, I actually need you. I love you Riles, please tell me you're okay'

A thought comes to my head. She hasn't answered any of my messages. She hasn't answered any of my calls. She could be hurt or worse. I need her to reply. She is not. Something could have happened to her. 'Please be okay Riles, I'm going to find you, I know you don't want to be found but I need to, for you and for me. My Riles, I love you'

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