24-Not what I expected

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We creeped into the hallway just outside studio A, James told me to wait outside and let him go in first, as they wanna see me more. I look through the doorway, watching James get in. Everyone running up to him.

Eldon: Bro, where the hell have you been?

Hunter: We have been worried Bro, we've tried to get in contact with you

James: Don't even worry about it

I watch Emily stand up and go over to James. I watch her hand rise to his cheek. Which is when I rushed in.


I look at Emily's face shocked. Everyone comes up to me, hugging me including Em, well when it sunk in. I got out of the hug and stood next to James.

Riley: Why Em, why did you slap him? Why Em, why?

Emily: Because I know it was him who nicked you Ri!

I watch as Riley pushes Emily to the floor repeating the words I hate you Emily. She then falls to the ground herself, sobbing, hitting herself saying she deserves to go. Hunter and Thalia help Em up and I kneel down next to Riley. I don't understand what set this off. What made her like this. I see Miss Kate walk out

Miss Kate: What is going on!? James, Riley?

Emily: Ask her, she pushed me for no reason, now she's acting like the victim.

Miss Kate
I look at Emily, tears falling down her face, everyone shocked. I look over a Riley, her sobs fill the room, she's sitting on the floor, knees up to her chest, rocking. I go up to her

Miss Kate: Riley, darling what's wrong. (places hand on shoulder)

Riley: Get off me!

Riley lashes out making my hand move. I took a few steps back.

Kate: A-Troupe go to the music room please, Hunter come here please. *Whispers in Hunter's ear* Call an ambulence for Riley, this isn't right'

James: I see Hunter nod at Miss Kate then leave the room. 'James, you need to leave to' I ignore Miss Kate. I don't need to leave.

'Riles, what's gotten into you hey? We have just got you back, you were fine waiting out there, you were fine when we were going to your parebts house so what changed? What made you lash out on Em?

Riley: I'm sorry

James: Riles, what's going on in that head of yours? What are you not telling me? What is it Riley?

Riley: James, please stop please, I'm sorry.

I see paramedics walk in, coming towards Riley. I got made to stand back, watching Riley struggle, cry her heart out. I know hospital is the best place for her to go, what's going on? Miss Kate comes over to hug me. 'She is gonna be alright James' I watch as they lift Riley up, she hits them, causing them to put her back down. 'James!' I run over to her, pick her up bridal style. 'What's going on Riles?' 'James, It's happening again

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