20-Five days

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It's been five days since Riley has done a disappearing act on us. On me. Like usual I have been messaging her like mad, rang her like I'm desperate. I suppose I am, to hear her voice, to see her face. To know she is safe. I stayed at my house last night, just in case Riley stopped by. I have dance today, but as soon as dance finishes I'm going back out there to look for Riley, well try to look for her. I still have no idea where she is. I still have no idea whether she's alright. I pack some things in my dance bag and head to dance so my dad won't know. I get to dance half an hour late because I was keeping a look out for Riley, just in case. But she wern't anywhere. I make my way into the studio and am suprised that they are not rehearsing the, dance, instead they are all gathered in a cirlcle....around Emily. As soon as one person turnt round, everyone did.

Emily: What did you do to my baby sister?

James: What do you mean?

Emily: Quit the innocent act James. You told them she was ill and told me and my parents that she was at a friends. What have you done to her?

James: I haven't done anything

Eldon: But why would you lie man?

Giselle: Yeah it's so not cool

James: I haven't done anything to her

I see Miss Kate come out of her office

Miss Kate: Dancers! What is going on?

Emily: James, what have you done with my baby sister? You have hurt her, betrayed her, been the jerk you are

Chloe: James, if you're not lying, then you can say the truth

James: I am

Eldon: Bro seriously

Emily: Where is she you jerk. You player. Where is my baby sister you monster. What have you....

James: That's it I don't need to here this

I grab my bag from my cubby and walk out of the studio. I Miss Kate shout my name so I turn around. 'What's going on James?' I look at her then turn back around. I thought they were my friends. I thought they trusted me. I made my way to the station, sending Riley one text after another.

Five days since I left. Five days since I've had any contact with anyone. I read James' messages and it kills me inside. He thinks I'm hurt. I wish I could message him. Tell him I'm safe, but I don't want him to get his hopes up that I'm going to speak. I click on my photo gallary and go through my photos on my phone. Me and Em, me and my parents. The views of Toronto. This place started to feel like home. Australia started to fade away into the past. Canada is my home. I come across a picture of me and James hugging, then another, then another. There was about thirty photos of me and him. I studied each one for about three minutes, each one causing a tear to slip down my face. I don't know if I will ever be able to go back home. I don't know if I can ever face anyone ever again but I need James. I need him with me right now. I hear my phone ring but leave it. It rings six more times and I just let it ring. Staring at the name James, tears making it blurry. I need to pick it up, just to say hi, just so he knows I'm safe. That's what he said in the message. Five minutes later it rings again. I pick my phone up and hover over the answer button before finally pressing it.

James- Riley? Riley? Riles? Riley? Are you there? Riles? Are you okay? Are you safe?

I manage to get one word out of my mouth. So quiet that I don't even know if he can hear or not

Riley- Yeah

James- Oh My Gosh Riles, I have been worried sick about thinking all sorts about you. Riley please tell me where you are so I can come and see you, even if it's for five minutes. I miss you like hell.

Riley: *barely a whisper/barely hear* I miss you too

James: *speaks softly* Then come home

Riley: *whisper* I can't

I cut James off. I can't go back. I ran away from my troubles, I'm not going back to them. Even if I wanted to go back I couldn't. I don't know where I am. I don't know how to get back.

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