29-Urm James

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I open my eyes, to a baning headache. How much did I have to drink lastnight, I turn over and realise that I'm in James bedroom. I rub my eyes and take of the cover from me so I can get up and ready. 'Urmm James?'

'Urmm James?' I open my eyes to the sound of Riley's voice. I turn around to face her and notice she's not wearing anything. 'Oh shit Riley' I threw the covers at Riley while getting out of bed and putting my boxers on, walking to the bathroom. Disappointment fills me. I'm not disappointed of sleeping with Riley exactly, she is the love of my life, it was goona happen sooner or later. I'm dissapointed because I've let my mum down.


Debra: James you will know when she is the right girl from the moment you see her. But I want you to treat her right. I don't want you to make her loose her virginity, Especially if you and her are drunk. If she is drinking you don't. You look after her. I don't want any grandkids at this age. Your 16 James, don't mess your life up. I know accidents happen, and if one ever does, you are not leaving it, you wiil be there

*****end of flashback******

I wipe the tears away and go back to my bedroom, realising Riley is gone, left a note.

'Hey James, we have dance and I have no dance stuff on me so I have gone home. Love you loads xxx'

I get dressed and head to dance.

I'm on my way home when I feel sick. I run to the nearest bush and throwup, I couldn't keep it in. Sickness in the morning....Naked in bed....With a boy. I feel my heart pound. What if? No I couldn't be.

I decide to take a quick detour to the corner shop and buy a pregnancy test. The woman at the counter gives me a dirty look so I quickly pay then leave. I head home, get my dance bag and go to dance. I go to the toilet, making sure I look the door behind me. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes. I grab the stick and slowly turn it over.........................Positive

I feel tears come to my eyes, my heart beat quicken. I blink back the tears, put the test in my bag and go to Studio A, James comes up to me but I walk away. I can't face him right now.


Dance is over but Riley has blanked me all day and I don't know why. Everyone else has left. I spot Riley walking out of Studio A but I run and grab her hand.

James: Riles, you haven't spoke to me all day, what's up? What have I done?

Riley: You haven't done anything

James: Please tell me

Riley: I didn't tell you straight away because I didn't know if you would leave me, if you would want us dead....if

James: Us?

Riley: James, I'm pregnant

I feel a smile emerge on my face. 'Riles, that's amazing.'

Riley: So your not gonna leave, your not gonna make me get an abortion

James: Riles, Firstly, You are my world, my everything, I could never break up with a girl who is as perfect as you. Secondly, I would never make you get an abortion. This child is our child. I am here for you every step of the way my sweet Riles.

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