25-Trapped in the past

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I carried her onto the back of the ambulence, and they let me stay there with her bwcause she won't let anyone else near her. It's weird. I just wanna know what's up with my baby girl. She sits there, on my lap, gripping on to my shirt which is wet with her tears, she's calmed down a bit now people have left her alone. Everytime a parmedic asks her a question she ignores them. Whwn they tried to touch her, that's when she freaked out again. She don't seem to want anyone around but me. The paramedics stopped trying to touch her and just left her on my lap.

We reached the hospital so I stand up and get out of the ambulence, Riley still in my hands, and make my way into the hospital. I follow the paramedics into a room. It reminds me like one from a mental asylum. White walls, floors which are quite soft, so Riley can't harm herself or others. I place her on the bed that is in the room and she instantly holds her knees and starts rocking again. I look at her not knowing what to do. I decide that I should try talking to her but I don't know how. I sit on the coner of her bed.

James: Riles, speak to me, what is all od this about hey? You were fine now this, please speak to me, please.

Riley: It's happening again

James: What is?

Riley: The past it's happening

James: Riles, I don't understand

Riley: James, everyone is out to get me. Everyone is out to attack me. Everyone is trying to touch me, trying to do what that man did. Everyone is trying to push me, like they did. Everyone is trying to take you away, like I did

James: Is that why you pushed Emily?

Riley: She hit you James. She told me lies about you in the past, kept me away from you. She hit you. She's trying to get rid of you. She's trying to take you again. I pushed her before she could push me. Push me so I forget you all over again.

James: Riles, that's all in the past, no-one is trying to get you okay? We are all here to help you.

Riley: No, No, No. Everyone is against me. Apart from you. They want me gone. They push me to the point where I give up, to where I commit suicide. Everyone is against me James. The whole world trying to hurt me. Like the man. Like my friends. Like the whole school. Like Emily tried to take you away. Please don't go away James

James: Don't worry, I'm not.

I turn round and see the doctor standing there.

James: So what's wrong with her.

Doctor: Well, from what I've just heard you two talking about, it seems to me like she's trapped in the past.

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