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Shoutout to @_mi_high_addict_ wont let me tag you but thanks for all the support

I stand next to James, I hate to see him crying. We have been here for an hour, at his mums grave. I don't mind, I just can't imagine what he is going through. 'Come on Riles, we should go' I squeeze his hand and then we walk out of the grave yard. It breaks my heart seeing the amount of young children who have died. Me and James take a cab to the hotel room I have booked. I don't really fancy travelling a four hour journey back. We reach the hotel and both of us collapse onto the bed. 'You know what Riles, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.' I smile at my amazing boyfriend and drift of to sleep.


'Ahhhhhhhh!' I wake up, hearing Riley's scream. 'Riles what's wrong, what is it?' 'James, the baby' I rush to the phone and call for an ambulance. 'Riles, the ambulance will be here in twenty minutes or so. Breath in and out baby girl. You can be okay' I watxh as Riley clutches her stomach, screaming in pain. I wish I could take it away from her. I hate seeing her in pain, she doesn't handle it very well at all. I hear the sound of sirens. 'Right, Riley we have got to go to the ambulance and get to the hospital so you can have our baby, okay?' She nods her head. I help her up of the bed and down to the ambulance, getting in the back with her.

James: Riles, is the baby meant to come yet?

Riley: No, it's three months early, three months. James, what if it doesn't make it. ahhhh

James: Riley, listen to me. I promise you, our child will be healthy but why is it early?

Riley: I don't knoooooooow!

We get to the hospital and we get admitted straight away on the maternity ward. 'Hello, i'm your midwife, my name is sara, now is the little monster due today?'

James: No, it's three months early

Sara: Oh

James: Is there something wrong?

Sara: Not nessacerrly but It can be quite concerning from a midwifes point of view

James: Please say everything is going to be alright.

Sara: Well from the scan, the baby is head down, meaning it is ready to come out, so I am going to break your water Riley and start your labour okay?

Riley nods her head

****3 hours later****

'Push Riley Push, I can see the head. We need one more push and you will have you little baby in your arms'

Riley squeezes my hand as she gives one last push until the room fills with tiny high pitched screams. Congratulations Miss.Raymond and Mr.Tordjman, you have a baby girl. Sara gives the baby to Riley. I look at our newborn baby girl. She is perfect. A mixture of me and Riley with her beautiful big brow eyes staring up a Riley. I get my phone out and take a picture, posting itonto instagram.

'Welcome to the world Leanna Debra Tordjman. Weighing 4pounds. Mummy and daddy love you loads. #beautifuls #mytwoprincesses #mylife #myworld @R_Raymond

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