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I can't believe Leigh is two already, she has been the light of mine and Riley's life. Next week we leave for Nationals, where I'm going to propose to Riley, on stage, after our duet. Riley comes down the stairs with Leanna bouncing behind her. 'Daddy!!!!' Leigh comes running up to me and gives me a hug. 'Happy birthday sweetie' Riley comes over and gives me a hug. 'Right Leigh, you have baby ballet then we are taking you out for your suprise. Riley gets Leigh in the car and I drive us to the studio.

We drop Leigh in baby ballet and me and James make our way to studio A. Me and Em are a lot better thrn we were but still not the best, I mean we are talking again.

West: Yo, can you believe thay we are back at Nationals in a week.

James: I know I can't wait, Riles, are.we taking Leigh with us?

Riley: You can or you can drop her off at your dads instead, that would be better?

James: Sure thing

Chloe: You two are just well to cute

James: Well Riley is

I feel my cheeks turn pink. I try to hide it by leaning on James but he just mocks me instead.

We get Leanna from ballet and get into the car. 'Daddy, where we go?' 'You will just have to wait and see, Riles, I just need to take a quick detour' I nod my head at James. We have been in the car for ten minutes, Leigh was asleep and I started to drift of until I heard James shout shit. I opened my eyes and see a car in the wrong lane, speeding, coming right towards us. Thats all I can remember before I blacked out......

A/N: I know it's short, but Im splitting this chapter into two

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