Chapter 21

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What is it that allows humans to possess this determination to overcome gods? They should know their place and allow fate to take them wherever they're meant to go. They aren't created to defy a higher power's will.

What is it that allows humans to fight fate? There's only one true answer, and it's their will. 

The strength of the two differing wills is what determines a human's ending. 

And it will be what determines her ending.

Toma kicked a rusty saw towards [Name] which emitted a low screech as it skidded across the floor. Still chained down to the floor, the female Inspector was flightless. As much as she tried to slip out of the shackle's confines, it was far too tight for her to manage.

Noticing the saw at her feet, she had this sinking feeling of what the challenge was. When Toma's lips curled into a tight smile, her body shook with terror.

"Fight or flight," Toma began. "Will you fight against destiny or run from it?"

"What are you talking a-about?" She couldn't hold back the tremor in her voice, fear consuming her mind little by little.

"I wonder about your true self. See, people change under the circumstances," Toma explained with an air of nonchalance.

She didn't react, her body past exhaustion. Her tears had dried up long ago, and the hope to live had already left her. She was just as lifeless as Sasayama's plastinated body.

"What i-is it that you want?"

"I want to see what you will do," he answered, kicking the saw closer to her body. "I'll bestow one item to aid you."

Her eyes widened at the choice of weapon. 'He must have something up his sleeve...'

"That's a funny face you have on," he hummed. "I also forgot to mention: you only have 30 minutes to figure out your plan."

'I can saw through this chain in less than 30 minutes, no problem!' she thought to herself as a smile formed.

Toma bent down, "Impress me with your skills, [Name]."

He was smart; he knew what it took to break those rusted chains, and it made her wonder what he was up to. His taunt expressed how confident he was that she would fail. After all, he wasn't going to allow her to leave-- so why was he making it easy for her?

The second he left, leaving the door shut behind him, she immediately went to grabbing the saw. But it was at that moment that she realized her miscalculation. There was no way she could do it one-handed; it would take her hours. She also didn't account for the state of her body, exhausted and past the viable limit.

"I... have to try," she whispered empty words to herself. All hope was lost on her, but she'd be damned if she didn't try.

With every minute lost and the chains unscathed, her heart beat harder with anxiety. This man was going to kill her if she didn't finish, and the chains were nowhere near from being broken. Her body was going to end up like Sasyama's and then handed over to Shinya--

The last of her body's water supply emerged from her eyes. "Shinya... S-Shinya... Shinya, oh god."

After each attempt against the chains, she would mutter his name as if it were a mantra. His name was said with every emotion contained in her body, not one the same as the other. One was a prayer that he would come and rescue her; the other was an apology; the other had undertones of love to it.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now