Chapter 11

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As she entered a room, [Name] squinted her eyes to adjust to the brightness, though it was only for but a moment. She didn't want the others to think of her as sensitive, not when she was under the scrutinizing gaze of her superiors. If she was a fearless individual, she would visibly express how much she hated training, but she didn't want to get in trouble with the system.

Oh no, no one wanted to do that, especially now that the lot of them were going to be prime examples-- role models actually, of what a true citizen should be. Conscientious, strong-willed, and pragmatic. The rules of this society triumphed over everything in their lives, and they had no choice but to obey. It had always been like that throughout her life, but it was especially repetitive now during her training.

"Fancy meeting you here."

Her eyes drifted away from the ring targets as she lowered her the training gun. "A coincidence indeed, Shinya... Oh hey, Gino."

The raven-haired man tilted his head in acknowledgment. "I'm astonished that you're here early."

She forced out a chuckle since he was in fact right. "I'm changing my ways as you can see." She returned her sights onto the target, adjusting her aim.

"Saiga would be proud, [Name]," Shinya sarcastically responded as he traveled with Gino to the other side of the room. They retrieved what they needed, some protective armor and training guns, and positioned themselves on both sides of the female.

She ignored his remark, wanting to forget all the difficult times she faced with her professor. If she thought she had finally gotten rid of him, she was terribly mistaken. In fact, he had already invited both Shinya and her over his house for some tea.

The sounds of gunshot ricocheting off the steel targets echoed throughout the room. All the targets were cleanly wiped out by the two males while she dozed off. Clicking her tongue, she tried finding a new target, but alas they were all taken.

"Good job stealing all the glory."

"You stole it all when we had to do an endurance run," Shinya retorted as he switched the gun into safety mode.

"That's only because I had to run whenever I was late for school... which was almost every single day."

"Now we know you're a runner not a fighter under pressure."

She sent him a playful glare, "Is this based on the fight-or-flight response? Never mind that. Now I know why you didn't answer my text messages yesterday night. You were reading that book I lent you."

"The autonomic nervous system will heavily play in our profession. Why not be prepared?" Shinya shrugged as he patiently waited for a new line of targets to spawn.

"Next thing you know, you'll be over-analyzing something when I sneeze," she chided him as she readied herself, this time aiming for retribution.


"I'm worried."

"You should be."

She narrowed her eyes as they stood in front of Saiga's house, waiting for their 'beloved' professor to open the door. She had already rung the doorbell a multitude of times, though it was cut short when Shinya smacked her hand away from bell after all his patience was spent. "What? Is this going to be a nice trip down memory lane?" she frowned.

He shrugged to answer her question. He honestly couldn't tell her what was the reasoning behind this visit; he was usually good with these deductions, but the possibilities as to why Saiga wanted their company was endless. However, he wasn't complaining, not when it gave him a chance to finally speak to [Name] alone.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now