Chapter 16

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Though [Name] enjoyed her line of work, today in particular she was eager to get to the Safety Bureau. She rushed into the meeting room, hopeful to be the first one there and show her superiors her determination and complete focus on the mission... something they hadn't been seen in her before.

Her partner, Aoyanagi, was clearly surprised to see her so early, though she brushed it aside and handed her the case information. With a quick 'thank you' and a slight bow, she dropped into a chair and drowned herself in the material. However, every word began to look familiar which brought confusion upon the young woman.

"Is this the case I'm in charge of?" [Name] asked as she swiped through the material in her tablet. It was all eerily similar to the case Shinya was working on. Could it be? Was she finally going to work together with him?

"Yes. They need someone with a strong psycho pass to supervise this one," Aoyonagi replied dryly. "You tend to make sound decisions when under pressure, so this shouldn't be too difficult to manage."

"Isn't Division 1 on it?"

She blinked several times. "Oh, you've heard from Kougami?... Well, I guess I don't have to brief you much on this."

The young woman laughed nervously. The knowledge gained from Shinya's illegal files wasn't something she could be proud of. "Yeah, I know the jist of it."

"Also, I would prefer if you take a senior Enforcer rather than Kagari."

She idly glanced at the boy, who didn't seem pleased with the order. Sending him an apologetic smile, [Name] responded, "Understood."

Inspector Aoyanagi nodded, "Good. We need to make sure that Division 1 knows this is our case now. If they have a problem, you must deal with it yourself. If you can't, then I'll be dealing with this case."

Without another word, the [h/c] woman left the office and trotted over to Division 1 territory. Excited was an understatement now that she knew Shinya would be on the case with her. She had never been on the same case as him since he mostly worked with grave issues, while she worked with tedious and simple matters. Division 1 had a reputation of being the elite, but it appeared that this case had been weighing them down.

Poking her head in, she briefly scanned the office which gained the attention of one particularly annoying man. "The Princess is here!"

Everyone in the room turned their attentions towards the door. "Don't tell me," Gino scoffed as he stood from his chair. "You're in charge of the case now."

Shinya's eyes widened slightly. "They gave this case to you?"

"S-Stop acting like I can't handle it," she demanded weakly. "Anyways, I'm [Full Name], and I will be leading the specimen case as of right now."

The entire room remained silent. She had hoped her introduction went smoothly and sounded authoritative, but it didn't seem to work as well as she hoped due to her previous history with them. They knew her as flippant and easygoing, a follower rather than a leader. Though she was determined to change her reputation with this case.

"I'm going to need everything you have collected so far on the case," she continued.

"You already have everything," Gino replied.

Her gaze slid over to Shinya. "Not everything..."

He scratched the back of his head, glancing away from her suspicious stare. Gino realized the implications and sighed loudly. "Again? I thought you said you weren't going to acquire information like that."

"If it helps the case and he doesn't get busted, it doesn't matter how he gets the information!" Sasayama laughed.

"But he did get busted," she quipped. Extending her arm towards Shinya, she signaled for him to surrender the folder. Reluctantly he did, but she knew this wouldn't be the end of his incessant snooping.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now